square bowl tutorial

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See more from Glenn McCullough

Feb 18, 2004
Grosse Pointe Woods, mi, USA
I posted a square bowl the other day and was asked to do a tutorial, its really quite easy...like doing half a bowl.
Heres the steps:
finish your blank entirely (here I used a stunning, figured maple blank from Landfill Lumber) It is 7"X7"x2.25". You'll have to do some clean up later, but its alot easier.
I ran it through my planer, in the first photo you'll see some rough areas that had to be cleaned up.
Next you make a glue block from a good strong wood like maple or cherry, I used maple. remove a bit from the center leaving a flat about 1/4" on the outside and a little nib in the center to measure your diameter. treansfer that to the blank with a compass after you've marked the center, see photos 3,4. place medium CA at the inside edge of the circle on the blank. You only need some at 12, 3, 6 and 9 oclock, not all the way around. Spray some excellerator on the glue block, center in circle and press. Hold it for a minite or two, Spray accellerator on the squeeze out so it doesnt spray you while turning (see phots 5,6).
Mark your position on your chuck in case your blank comes off, like mine did. Also draw a outside finish line and a extra ring line(if desired). Drill a hole for depth (photo 7) and to start your turning, when you get to the bottom of the hole, you almost done.
Turn at 900rpm, that worked for me for the whole project. you should get to the bottom of the hole about the same time you get to the outside of the rim. I used a 3/4 long shoulder bowl gouge and finished with a round scraper. I used 60,80, 120, 220 sandig discs while on the lathe, with it turned off. The disc sanding attachment and my drill made the bowl spin as it sanded. I enhanced the grain with danish teak oil and will finish it with wipe on poly after that dries.
Hope this makes sense and is useful.


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Sep 2, 2009
Tucson, AZ
Thanks, great instructions and photos!

Just one thing... how do you get the glue block off when you're done? Do you just part or saw it off and then sand the bottom flat?
Jul 9, 2007
warren, michigan, USA.
Very well done sir I have been waiting to see something made from that blank(she was a beauty).I see you waste no time after the turning meeting,I was thinking of making one of those myself.Look forward to the meeting at your place and that new lathe(need any wood? Maybe a little trade and some cash)sorry always looking to trade wood when I can.Either way that lathe is mine come end of next month,of and the 26 th of Feb. is my B-day so I'll expect gift at the meeting,LOL.Nice job again that bowl looks fantastic.Victor
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