Special Walnut

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Aug 9, 2004
Oakville, Ontario, Canada.
Special Walnut


I thought I’d post these pens I turned today. There are 17 here but I have a total of 30 that I will be sending out this week to Canadian soldiers serving in Afghanistan.


The total of 30 pens in this shipment also include pens donationed from a lady in Toronto, a man in Saskatchewan and two other men in Ontario. Each pen has a thank you letter written and wrapped around itself.

The walnut I am using right now is special. This wood has special significance in that it was salvaged by a man at the end of WW II from a rifle factory in Toronto where he worked, the wood was meant to become gunstock.

The wood was passed on to me by a neighbour who knew the original person who worked in that factory. The walnut had been stored in his home since the end of WW II until his recent passing. My neighbour knew of the wood and told them of my pen project and it was donated for the cause.

The finish is a simple Mylands friction polish and wax.
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Those are great looking pens and the wood is fantastic with a wonderful history.

You are doing a good thing and I'm sure it will be much appreciated.
Thanks Everyone,

It's been a very rewarding project to date. It's been running two years, not as much volume as Keith Outten and the Freedom Pens Project has generated but Pens For Canadian Peacekeepers none the less still successful on a smaller scale. Even though the current activities are not peacekeeping for us, the effort to say thanks is important.

I plan on running it for a long time, so this is ongoing, it's always a great feeling to thank them and know they appreciate it.
Great work and fine pens. You are to be commended for doing this. Be sure to include information about the wood with the pens when you send them. You might want to save some of the wood and/or a couple pens for some kind of permanent memorial display.
Originally posted by Rifleman1776
<br />Great work and fine pens. You are to be commended for doing this. Be sure to include information about the wood with the pens when you send them. You might want to save some of the wood and/or a couple pens for some kind of permanent memorial display.

Thanks Frank,

I am glad you mentioned the wood, I indeed do tell the story of the wood with each letter. The responceto the wood story is one of reverance by many of the soldiers

I may keep some of the wood for a special veteran I might meet down the road...Canadians will know the name of General Romeo Delaire, he has one, that was one of my happiest moments knowing that.

I also have been contacted by a soldier currently in support services in Edmonton. He has access to scrap materials that I can turn into pens as well that will have some meaning.

This walnut is special, the hands that touched it so long ago reach out today to hold the hands of some very brave young women and men...may they all grow old.
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