Source for longer PR blanks?

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Feb 5, 2008
Anyone know where I can get acrylic type blanks around 6 1/2" long? I am wanting to make some custom length pens but all I see at Pennstate or Bear Tooth are the ususuall 5" blanks.
Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad sells 6 inch blanks or you can buy the uncut 41" rod although you have to buy 15 rods. At least you can mix/match colors.
Any of the Madreperlatos are shipped to me in sheets. So, SOME are available in any length you might want, up to 20".
I can and have poured long blanks. I just sent someone some blanks that were around 9 inches in length to be used as turkey call strikers. PM me if you need some help...
I just looked at my blank stash, and most of my blanks are already right at 6 1/2 inches...
Actually, Ron,

Closed end "translucent" materials pose some interesting design opportunities. If you cut the tubes short or eliminate them, your pen takes on different "looks".

New challenges with new rewards!!
Yes Sir! In fact, My newest personal challenge is to go kitless. The Amber would make a really snazzy kitless pen! I bet that would be the challenge of the century!
"They come to me five feet long." Hey Ed, how would you write with a pen this long? From another room?:biggrin:
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