Sometimes you can tell how a day will go

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Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
I got in late to the shop today after stopping for lunch and getting served the wrong food, not even close to what I ordered but I was hungry so I ate it. Got into my shop and one of the first things I do is open a package waiting for me and shoved my knife right through my finger, hitting the bone sucks. Got blood all over my laser cover and had to work to get the bleeding under control. Have too much to do today to go and get it stitched so I tried everything from bandaids to duct tape to stop it but it was a leaker, I was bleeding worse than a hemopheliac in a cactus patch. Finally, I remembered talking with Chuck and we were laughing about my brothers method of stopping bleeding, so I loaded the knife wound up with thick CA and hit it with some accelorator....many four letter words later and a new bandaid to keep it from reopening and the bleeding is stopped. Now I have to go and cut a bunch of wood on my band saw and will hopefully be going home tonight with all my parts still attached.
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Sep 12, 2010
Murray, Kentucky
OUCCCCCHHHHH!!!! Sometimes Neil, it is better to just lock the door and take the rest of the day off.
Here's hoping your day gets much better. Be careful and I am feeling your pain. Been there and wishing someone else was where I had been. Best of luck and try to avoid the accelerator on the wound. Yes I know, it does set faster, but OMG it does hurt!


Local Chapter Leader
Jan 2, 2008
Indianapolis, In.
I remember that like it was just this morning. You and Johnnie are my heros. I would have had to go change my shorts.:rolleyes: I thought about about him all day the 29th. Almost posted a thread but, he and you know I think about him.

Why not put off cutting the blanks til a better day? This ones not so good already.:wink:


Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
I remember that like it was just this morning. You and Johnnie are my heros. I would have had to go change my shorts.:rolleyes: I thought about about him all day the 29th. Almost posted a thread but, he and you know I think about him.

Why not put off cutting the blanks til a better day? This ones not so good already.:wink:
You know my feelings on that, "It can always be worse".


Mar 17, 2007
San Antonio, TX.
Neil, I did that time skipped the accelerator...when the accelerator kicked in it hurt so much more than the cut. Of course the following time I did it (sans accelerator) I put the CA on the cut then used my right thumb to apply a bit of then I had right thumb stuck to left time I'll just go get the stitches

Aug 2, 2011
Crestview Fl
Use to be a surgical tech and we used "super glue" for skin, but I don't ever remember using an accelerator on it... ouch - oh and our patients were asleep....


Mar 18, 2009
Wichita Falls, TX
LOL, I gotta laugh about this one cuz I've been there before. Just put a new razor into my xacto knife and ended up putting it thru my finger just above the nail, but as long as I had pressure on the wound it wouldn't bleed. So I took some medium CA, spread it nicely over it and then shot it with accelerator and WOW does that hurt. But on the bright side, I didn't have to spend a bunch of money ay the hosp!

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Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
Because I'm on a daily aspirin regimen, I tend to bleed at the slightest cut. I've found that ground black pepper helps coagulate the blood and stop the bleeding.


Product Reviews Manager
Aug 19, 2007
Fairfield, CT, USA.
Because I'm on a daily aspirin regimen, I tend to bleed at the slightest cut. I've found that ground black pepper helps coagulate the blood and stop the bleeding.
Should I use salt with that too? Believe it or not, it actually will stop the bleeding as well but burns like hell.

Today went much better for me, I got to the shop and found I had left my keys at home. I went back home and sat down on the couch and thats my plan for the rest of the day. I guess I have plenty of homework to do anyways, so may as well get it all done.


Jun 19, 2009
Buffalo, NY
Last time I chopped myself open was trying to loosen the carbide cutter on my Hunter tool. Slipped and discovered just how sharp that thing really is. Cut down to bone and decided that getting it stitched was the way for me. Didn't want to get an infection or tetanus or the like. So a couple of hours later I was stitched bandaged and feeling very foolish for cutting myself in the first place.

Go get it stitched up!!


Sep 24, 2007
Augusta, Maine, USA.
Because I'm on a daily aspirin regimen, I tend to bleed at the slightest cut. I've found that ground black pepper helps coagulate the blood and stop the bleeding.

I take aspirin, too... so I assume you just sprinkle the pepper on the wound?

Had a similar, albeit accidental, experience just last night with CA! I gashed my thumb while checking to see if the carbide insert in my Woodchuck was sharp (first mistake). It was. But I figured I'd just treat the injury later. So I finished turning and moved on to applying a CA finish. Things were going well, but I forgot about my thumb. I ended up applying too much CA (second mistake) and it soaked through the paper towel and adhered to my thumb. So now my thumb is glued closed, but I have a piece of blue paper towel stuck to it. But I FORGOT about the injury! So, in my normal state of ignorant machismo, I proceeded to peel the paper towel off (third, and hopefully final, mistake). Sweet lordy-baby-Jesus!! I remembered in a HURRY about that injury, as the blue paper towel turned purple (blue + red = purple). I decided to think through my next step, and only had one recourse: I had to remove it with acetone. I didn't consider the horrible stinging from the acetone as mistake number four, but rather as a "stupid tax" I had to pay for my carelessness. Now my thumb is properly dressed and bandaged, and hopefully, a lesson learned. :redface:


Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
Because I'm on a daily aspirin regimen, I tend to bleed at the slightest cut. I've found that ground black pepper helps coagulate the blood and stop the bleeding.

I take aspirin, too... so I assume you just sprinkle the pepper on the wound?
That's correct.

Had a similar, albeit accidental, experience just last night with CA! I gashed my thumb while checking to see if the carbide insert in my Woodchuck was sharp (first mistake). It was. But I figured I'd just treat the injury later. So I finished turning and moved on to applying a CA finish. Things were going well, but I forgot about my thumb. I ended up applying too much CA (second mistake) and it soaked through the paper towel and adhered to my thumb. So now my thumb is glued closed, but I have a piece of blue paper towel stuck to it. But I FORGOT about the injury! So, in my normal state of ignorant machismo, I proceeded to peel the paper towel off (third, and hopefully final, mistake). Sweet lordy-baby-Jesus!! I remembered in a HURRY about that injury, as the blue paper towel turned purple (blue + red = purple). I decided to think through my next step, and only had one recourse: I had to remove it with acetone. I didn't consider the horrible stinging from the acetone as mistake number four, but rather as a "stupid tax" I had to pay for my carelessness. Now my thumb is properly dressed and bandaged, and hopefully, a lesson learned. :redface:
But the acetone will kill any bacteria and help prevent infection.:biggrin::biggrin:
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