So many vendors, so little cash

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Mar 18, 2008
West Henrietta, NY, USA.
I just received some things from a vendor who I had not done business with before and it got me thinking about how many places I have bought stuff from to support this turning addiction. I started with nothing (OK, I had a cordless drill) so there was a lot to buy over the years. I have made purchases from a wide range of places from big box to one man operations, online and in stores. Being on a budget for this addiction I look for the best prices I can find and combine online purchases when I can to save on shipping.

All this got me to wondering how many places I have done business with. I'm sure I have forgotten a few but I can name 25 places I have made purchases from. There are also several I have on my list for future purchases! If I counted garage sales, estate sales and some individuals that would probably be another 20 people.

The best part is that I have never had a bad experience with any vendor or person or their products. So to everyone I have done business with...

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Sep 6, 2013
Dawsonville, GA
So true, I'm still amazed at some of the stuff I bought. Never did I think I would have made an order to a makeup supply store!:eek::biggrin:

It is impressive to see how many good vendors that still value customer service out there.


Feb 22, 2005
Oh Jim Jim Jim. This is a subject that I do not want to think about. If you are talking about just this hobby even that is countless because many times my hobbies interact and materials I use for one can be used for this. That number is too great. I started a thread here not that long ago stating that after over 2 years of being away from my shop due to medical issues I am now trying to get my life back together and to start that I decided to reorganize the shop and find a place for all supplies and materials so it can found easily.

Well this task is not as easy as I thought it might be. I did not realize the supplies and materials I have accumulated over the years. I forgot about many of these things also. I am finding things that are unlocking ideas I had in my head from years ago but never got around to.

I could not honestly put a number on the vendors I have bought from all around the world. Being satisfied?? yes. for the most part I would do it all over again the same way.

Have fun everyone.


Mar 18, 2008
West Henrietta, NY, USA.
So true, I'm still amazed at some of the stuff I bought. Never did I think I would have made an order to a makeup supply store!:eek::biggrin:

It is impressive to see how many good vendors that still value customer service out there.

Just remember to keep that makeup supply stuff in the shop so no one asks any questions:).


Mar 18, 2008
West Henrietta, NY, USA.
Oh Jim Jim Jim. This is a subject that I do not want to think about. If you are talking about just this hobby even that is countless because many times my hobbies interact and materials I use for one can be used for this. That number is too great. I started a thread here not that long ago stating that after over 2 years of being away from my shop due to medical issues I am now trying to get my life back together and to start that I decided to reorganize the shop and find a place for all supplies and materials so it can found easily.

Well this task is not as easy as I thought it might be. I did not realize the supplies and materials I have accumulated over the years. I forgot about many of these things also. I am finding things that are unlocking ideas I had in my head from years ago but never got around to.

I could not honestly put a number on the vendors I have bought from all around the world. Being satisfied?? yes. for the most part I would do it all over again the same way.

Have fun everyone.

For me it is strictly woodturning. I do not have any other hobbies that require power tools. I have never been a 'handy' person so my venture into turning required buying everything. I can only imagine how many vendors others use and how much 'stuff' you have.

I remember your post about returning to the shop. I went through something similar for other reasons. Even my basic shop was a lot to re-organize. I'm sure yours in a whole different category. Hopefully you are having fun with it!
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