Snakewood compared to Ebony

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Jan 31, 2009
New Albany,Indiana
I turned a Ebony blank that had some very fine cracks in it.I used ca as I went along.Then finished with ca and a friction polish.I had people tell me they thought it was plastic.Is snakewood the same when turning?I have read about the cracking.I bought a SL set from a fellow turner and do not see any cracks.They are at least 2 years old now.I have 3 nice snakewood blanks I picked up last week.Half the price as last years price. Better looking.Thought I would try it out.Thanks for any input. Todd
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Ebony can crack, but when working with snakewood, imagine a wood that if you breathed wrong while working it, it cracked..... That's snakewood for you.....
I don't have any proof or scientific background, but, my uneducated guess is the biggest problem with these woods is creating too much heat when drilling.
I busted a nice ebony blank because I drilled it to fast. It got real hot.Learn things the hard way sometimes.I have learned more to slow down.Don't rush it. Todd
I had a snakewood pen done for about three months with no problems and then one day I found a crack in it. It was not left in direct sun light or around any other heat source. It just cracked. ????? It also had a ca finish which I thought might help it not crack. No such luck.
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