Simple Segmented Pen

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Feb 18, 2010
Livermore, CA
Here's one that I did for my brother's birthday. It's zircote and mesquite with beech veneer in between. The finish is a CA finish. Thanks for looking!


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Now that is one classy looking pen. Those colors go perfect with each other and the fantastic fit and finish just completes the picture. I wish that was one I had just made.

Thanks for the compliments! Originally, I was working on a blackwood/bloodwood pen for my brother, but I ripped a chunk out of that and decided to do these more "rugged" colors for him instead. Thanks again for the compliments!
Excellent Color Combo, The finish looks great as well as the fit. Your brother has one outstanding pen to be proud of. Congrats on a great Job.
That worked out about perfect, the colors of the timbers and the lamination between is excellent, the fit and finish is outstanding and the hardware is great with the timber. Congratulations on on a wonderful pen. If for some obscure reason, your brother is not thrilled with his pen, I know a place of honor that you could send it to. I'll be proud to show it off for you.
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