Shop mishap

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Mar 27, 2009
Tampa, FL
Since I am making some pens that Johnny does not have TBC bushings for yet (both are on a 10.5 tube) I was sorting through all my TBC bushings trying to find the ones that might work for the electra and vertex magnetic. I think the jr gent lower tube large bushings work for the electra and maybe the vertex.

Well wouldn't you know. I keep them in a plano type tackle box with maybe 16 or so slots. I had it sitting too close to the edge of my workbench and knocked it on the floor. so I guess for the next few hours I will be sorting through bushings and measuring them and trying to get them resorted. LOL. I do stupid stuff more than I care to admit.
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OOOUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHH! I just put all mine in one of those boxes of drawers and hung it on the wall above the lathe just from fear of such a horrible incident. I was begining to wonder if I was a bit paranoid but your post tells me, for once, I was ahead of a problem.

Sorry to hear of all the unkind work ahead of you. I just printed out the bushing list on IAP just in case I do something like this. Hy heart goes out to you.
I keep my sets in the little bags the kit parts come in. Stick in a note saying what they're for. The ones that have a spacer for tubes larger than 7mm, the spacer goes in the same bag.
Ouch - have fun with that!

I think there was a thread here recently about how people stored their bushings, but I didn't have a pic at the time. Here's how I do it: scrap plywood, forstner bit and old film containers - I just get in trouble when I buy more kits/bushings! Need a bigger piece of plywood!

P_48 (Medium).JPG
we use the hard plastic bottles that coin collectors use for coins. they are clear with screw on lids. Just write on the side what kit they are for and no more problems. If they get knocked off the bench the only hard part is bending down to pick them up. ; )
Yea, ive got them mostly sorted through now. I now see the wisdom in storing each set in a single case with a tight cap. LOL.
here you go

here you go......albeit way too late (sorry)
case - $5 at HF
film case - free from any place that still develops film
very portable, holds 24 bushings per case


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Yea, ive got them mostly sorted through now. I now see the wisdom in storing each set in a single case with a tight cap. LOL.

Peter and ALL; Machinists have a marking pen for steel. It causes instant corrosion of the surface and writes about like a sharpie marker; the fine tip, not ultra-fine tip. The marks are permanent. You could write one or two letters on the large portion of the bushing.

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Perscription bottles

I take a few pills so I get a couple of perscriptions every month...most come it those little amber colored plastic containers with kid proof (and sr.citizen proof) tops. I peel the labels, put my bushings in...label them with what the bushings are for and never worry about mixed up bushings. Works great for me.
Ouch - have fun with that!

I think there was a thread here recently about how people stored their bushings, but I didn't have a pic at the time. Here's how I do it: scrap plywood, forstner bit and old film containers - I just get in trouble when I buy more kits/bushings! Need a bigger piece of plywood!

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Niffty idea Steve, but what's a film container? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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