Selling pens

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Mar 15, 2017
Cleveland, TN
Two questions here. Hope this is an appropriate section.
1. Who do you use for your website? FWIW, I had Go Daddy. When I discontinued my other business Dec. 31st, they wouldn't give me a prorated refund! Bummer! Are any of the free web builders any good; security?
2. I have a Pay Pal account from my old business. I called PP and explained how I want to sell items at craft shows, etc. They said I had to get their credit card entered in my PP account through my email address. I couldn't get the guy to understand I might be in a place where there is no internet, plus payment would be made on-site. I recall some gadget that you plugged into your smart phone that scanned a credit card. BTW, I have an Android phone with Verizon service. Any help with those questions is greatly appreciated. We have some craft fairs around the area that are well attended.
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Got some inspiration and did a search. The company is Squareup that uses a credit card scanner. Any other suggestions?

Sign in country store- In God we trust, All others pay cash.
I believe most if not all the card scanners rely on internet connection normally via the phone. I use PayPal and their card reader but yeah can be a pain if no signal. I did have one customer who paid via PayPal on his phone and sent it to my account while stood at stall.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
I've used "PayPal Here" (I can't believe the person you spoke to at PayPal didn't know about it :rolleyes:) and "Square".

They both work ok so long as you have a phone with a data plan.

edit: the newer devices -- which read chips as well as the mag stripes -- use BlueTooth to connect to your phone, the older readers plugged into the earphone socket but they could only read the mag stripe.

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I use my Paypal account a lot, but at craft fairs, I use my Square Reader. Yes, you need wifi or a data plan for it to work. I have have the chip card reader (which also includes a swipe reader for older cards). Works well and the funds go directly to your bank account. I like that the customer "signs" and can get a receipt via email or text, if they wishl
Thanks. I went to Square's website and didn't get real excited about it. I thought it was unusual that they pointed out some of their weaknesses, such as limited customer service by phone. Some of the reviews were downright nasty about not getting money, money being held up, etc. Will do some more research. There were four companies that did the same as Square and had excellent reviews. I have a friend who is a computer whiz and I'll ask him.
Thanks. I went to Square's website and didn't get real excited about it. I thought it was unusual that they pointed out some of their weaknesses, such as limited customer service by phone. Some of the reviews were downright nasty about not getting money, money being held up, etc. Will do some more research. There were four companies that did the same as Square and had excellent reviews. I have a friend who is a computer whiz and I'll ask him.

Always pays to do your research. Have yet to experience any issues at all with my Square reader, but of course, YMMV.
I have a square card reader as well as one from Propay and ETSY... most of the time I use the ETSY card since my inventory is on ETSY... I don't use an internet connection to run the card, If you have a data account on your phone, that's all you will need. Even though we have some free wi-fi at the local market I do, connections are iffy at best and the data account on the Verizon phone works just great.
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