Segmented Metal

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Jan 2, 2008
Indianapolis, In.
Tried another Segment with Aluminum and Danish Bog Oak from Neil (wolftat) I used a two-tone Chrome Elagant Beauty Sierra kit . I think I got a little better with my scrollsaw this time . :redface: Comments appreciated . Thanks for looking !


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Chuck, great looking pen, what kind of glue/clamps did you use ???

Thanks Dave ! I used medium CA because I don't have thick (yet) . Makes it kind of messy but fun trying not to get fingers stuck to things . :biggrin: I used a small C-clamp , adding to the fun . I should be using a vice lined with wax paper , and I have one now . Will get some wax paper and do the next one the right way .
Much neater, and the intersecting lines are much closer! Can I ask what size blade you use? As I'm amazed how thin compare to some of Hegner blades!

Nice work!
Thanks all !

Phil , I am using Delta blades # 40-670 , the width is .045 thickness .018 and 12/8 TPI . Thank you for your compliment .
Whazup with all this segmenting, Chuck?:confused: You keep this up and we are going to have to get you a booking agent!!:wink: Great work, Dude!!:cool:
Nice looking pen. I love the contrast with the Aluminum. Dude, you are on a serious pen making roll. keep it up!!
Thanks Cris . I looked at all these segmented metal pens others were posting , wishing I could do that . Now , I can ! :biggrin:

Thanks Bob ! No need for a booking agent YET ! :biggrin:
Chuck, that looks great. I saw the first one you did and the joints were off just a smidgen. Looks like you nailed it second time around. Well done!
Chuck, that looks great. I saw the first one you did and the joints were off just a smidgen. Looks like you nailed it second time around. Well done!
Thanks Keith , I did get them a little closer this time . Next time I'll use a vice and thick CA . Should be even closer . Thanks for the inspiration too.

Another fine segmenting job indeed! The joints are getting better. Keep up the great work!

See you later,
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