Segmented and Grain Matched Rollerball

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John Eldeen

Apr 3, 2019
Sacramento, CA
What you have here is a Caballero kit wrapped in Hawaiian Monkey Pod. I wanted to make a segmented pen, but I also wanted to turn this beautiful piece of monkey pod. Not wanting to just cut it up, ruining the beauty, I decided to attempt to have my cake and eat it too. So, I segmented it while keeping it grain matched and using far too many layers of paper card stock as the segment separators, preserving the beauty of the original blank. While adding in a dose of color. I have to say I am very happy with the results.


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John, that is one of the most beautiful pens I have seen !!!!!
You may be new to IAP, but you certainly are not a beginning penturner !!!!
Your advanced expertise shows through in every pen you show us !!!!

So those colored rings and strips are paper card stock ? . Quite Amazing !!
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Excellent Segmented Pen John,
You Nailed the Celtic Cross both for Precision and Colour
As well the Longitudinal Segments,
Beautifully Turned, Fitted and Finished.
Very impressive. I would be interested in how you layer the card stock.

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The processes if fairly strait foreword but not completely figured out. I start with figuring out how many layers I want or need to have. For example, on the knot I made the cuts on my table saw and it takes 10 layers of card stock to fill that void. So, I stack the lairs in and clamp if need then slowly dribble thin CA on it. I mostly use my fingers to clamp as joy of gluing yourself to your work can not be explained in a family friendly environment. The rest of building the blank is just like any other segmenting sand flat make more cuts and so on. The next thing is after you carefully drill your hole for the tube, I put some blue tape on one end of the blank, put a healthy shot of thin CA inside then seal the other end with more blue tape. Then slowly roll it around on your bench the CA really needs to soak in. I blew up a few blanks be for I started soaking the inside. The problem is the CA only penetrates in about 1/8 inch so you cut about an 1/8 off the outside and then it would come apart. The actual turning is a hole other story. There is also a couple of other problems I have not worked out, but I have some ideas. If I was smart, I would use veneers like a normal person but, I like to amount of colors available and I love the price of card stock.
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G'Day John.

I understand your comment about using veneers, as that is my typical go-to. But, you have gotten some very vibrant colors with your materials - that is a great element to your pen, and is refreshingly unique. Don't abandon it.

Your process description is excellent, and I thank you for sharing the details.

Again, well done!
G'Day John.

I understand your comment about using veneers, as that is my typical go-to. But, you have gotten some very vibrant colors with your materials - that is a great element to your pen, and is refreshingly unique. Don't abandon it.

Your process description is excellent, and I thank you for sharing the details.

Again, well done!

No worries their Mark I will continue to figure out the problems and improve the process. I really am cheap and don't want to pay for the veneers but the real reason I keep going back to the card stock is the availability of colors, also the ability to stack multiple colors in one band. The possibilities are endless.:)
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