Screw in pen clip?????? Sources.....?

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Jan 16, 2005
Boise, ID, USA.
I am looking for a modified pen clip. I saw one on a cheap pen at a local shop. (Funny how I take all pens apart now that I turn them) Instead of a donut a the top of the clip it came up to a small rectangle. The rectangle had a small hole in the center for a small screw. The body camu up in one smooth taper and stopped. There was a small hole cut in the side of the body to slip the rectangle into the pen. A small screw threaded up into the "ceiling" of the top tube. Any ideas? I think with a couple of generic style clips we could make some really cool modified slimlines and cigar pens with uninterupted tops.
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If I follow, the top was closed and the clip mounted from the side...

You would need another type of mandrell to turn this cap. Probally a short one with expanding capabilities. Wedge into the tube so you could turn a closed-end cap... Neat Idea... [8D]
all you need for this type cap is a drill chuck and dowell the i.d of your kit, a tight fit will prevent the tube from spinning on the dowell. I just made one with closed top and bottem from an old screw cap rb kit the same way.
I'm making a pen with a smooth top. I'll be making a wireform from .050" titanium wire from Small Parts. It has nice spring to it. I'll just have to drill 2 holes and press the two ends of the wireform in.
Fancy shmancy titanium man! [:D] This sounds cool. Let me see a pic when you are done. I definitely want to explore this some more. Is there a source for this wire without having to sell one of my kids? How easily does it bend and yet still maintain the spring?
The titanium wire at .050" seems just right. I was able to bend it with needle nose pliers and by hand around a brass dowel to shape it. It wasn't that expensive. I think they whack you with those shipping and "handling" charges though. I imagine stainess wire should be available through MSC or McMaster Carr as well.

Here's a pic of what I have in mind.

<br />
How far into the cap would you need to extend the wire to be stable? Would you use CA or epoxy?
BTW what type of FP insert are you using for that pen?

Lou, I didn't understand your last comment about recessing the clip......
I'm going into solid titanium, so I'll use a press fit here. In wood, CA might do well. The wire might have to go a quarter inch or so to be stable. This pen has the nib of an El Grande, which is drawn in purple. In talking with Rich, I might try making the end part to be a polished titanium adapter to use a high end gold nib which doesn't have the plastic body around it. I'd like to have the pen with no plastic if possible. It would only be the metal end that normally sticks out of the plastic parts in the kits we get.
Check out this link and see if it makes it clearer. I can't say it or show it any better than Don Ward and Richard Kleinhenz (they're penturning demi-gods to me). [8D]
Originally posted by woodscavenger
<br />Lou, I didn't understand your last comment about recessing the clip......
There's a lot of tooling and fixturing involved. I was actually able to work on it some last night. I cut the top half and made a special holder that can grip it when I drill out the back side of it. Slow progress, but progress none the less. I made a prototype clip as well. I thought I was going to have to make a fixture for that, but I'm not so sure. I think I did a fairly good job on that without the need for a fixture. I also make a couple minor redesigns to allow room for a backup ink cartridge and a squeek more room in front of the nib at Rich's suggestion.
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