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Stearate is actually a lubricant added to some sandpapers to prevent loading. That's why some sandpaper has a white coating on the abrasive side.

I'm a big fan of silicon carbide, especially for things that have to be shiny. The crystaline structure helps prevent deep scratches due to the cubic shape of the crystals. Aluminum oxide, on the other hand, is more triangular. I've found that aluminum oxide is faster, but silicon carbide leaves a smoother finish. Usually I'll sand up to 220 or 320 with AO, then go back down to 180 in SC and work my way up through the grits.
I'm a bit lazier. I stick with Norton, so it's aluminum oxide up to 600 for fast cutting, then I continue on with their Black Ice (silicon carbide) up to 1200. After that, a light burnish with a paper towel, then finish.
Forget sandpaper, get Abranet as mentioned in an earlier post - since I started to use Abranet some two years ago, I have never used sandpaper again!! It last much longer than sandpaper.

Can you please describe the sanding routine using Abranet? Also where to buy? and what to buy?


George Spalding
one Abranet source

PSI has a 10-pack for $ 10.95

Here's some of the marketing schtick:

Since the dust passes through the tiny holes in the mesh as you sand. Sanding is faster and there is no clogging or caking. It lasts longer and you will get a superior sanding result because the mesh maintains a clean surface at all times.
Provided in a 10 sheet pack.
2 ea. 120X, 180X, 240X, 320X, and 400X grits. Sheet size is 2-3/4" x 5".

I have not bought any yet, but it sounds like it's worth a try!
The sanding routine is the same as with regular paper, just faster and smoother. And as has been said it lasts much longer. I'm still using some that I bought over a year ago.
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