Reporting LIVE from the MPG!

Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad


Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Well, not live quite yet! We all need our beauty rest. In the morning, saddle up and point your horse toward Bloomington and we'll be waiting for you.

If you're at the MPG and just want to say hello or post some photos, here's your thread!

Tonight I had dinner with Dawn, Ed, Jonathan, Eric, Rich, Mike, and Curtis. What a pleasure it is to meet after all these years of email and phone calls.

So come on by, it's going to be great!!
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Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
It's been great so far! Right now Curtis is talking about stablizing.

Having a great time. So far Chasper (Gerry Wilhite) did a great demo on production penturning and right now Curtis is talking about stabilizing. Maybe next year we'll have to do a live feed.
You all are making me jeolous right now!! You are in my stomping grounds where I grew up. I grew up only 35 north of there but unfortunately work sometimes gets in the way and that is the case this year!

Hope you guys do this large of an event next year!! Post a date as soon as you can for next years events.....

Have a great time everyone!!
Rich, who organized the event, saying a few words. Ed is now demoing closed end pens.


It would be a pretty big picture Don. 58 people there today, expecting a much higher number tomorrow. I'm plenty tired tonight. Getting that many folks back in their chairs after a break can wear a guy out! Really, we are here for a social connection, so getting everyone back for the demos isn't my top priority. I did have to turn off the lights tonight, or we would still be there. It was a great first day and thanks to all that demoed (Gerry Wilhite, Curtis Seebeck, and Ed Brown), and to those that made the trip. Eric did a great job with the audio/visual, and contest pens. Thanks also to Jonathon for working with door prize organization, and my friend Larry for picking of the food. Too bad Jimmie Johns only delivers quickly if you are really close. They wouldn't deliver to the Union Hall, sigh. Looking forward to a big day tomorrow. It's going to take at least an hour just to pass out the door prizes. That's one huge amount of loot! Hope the guys take a few more pics of the prizes, contest pens, and PITH.


I think we need a group photo with some names, it would be great for all of us that can't attend to see (some of) who we've been conversing with through the forums.
Great Time At the MPG 2012

Hi, All The 2012 MPG was a great event as always. Thanks to Low 48 (Rich) and Buzzzz4 ( eric) and all the other people who help, including vendors, attendees, demostrators, etc.... Its nice to see everyone having a good time and taking in any new info and advice from other penturners and talking what we like to do -- turn pens.

On a side note. Rich, you were not the oldest IAP member in attendance ;) You joined in July 2004 , I joined In June 2004 I couldn't remember at that moment, but I thought I had Joined before you. So, my address is 15 ...... .. JUST KIDDING !!!! HA HA HA HA NO Really my address is ....... Stop Already
later everyone. Until next year ---- NOW GET TURNIN !!!!!

mike warren
Gosh Mike, old age and memory loss is a horrible thing! LOL
Jeff just asked who joined the IAP in 2004 and I raised my hand. I don't think we should be saying that I'm the oldest IAP member in attendance, I prefer to say the earliest joining member in attendance. I feel old enough as it is! Good to see you again, and thanks for coming.

Hi, All The 2012 MPG was a great event as always. Thanks to Low 48 (Rich) and Buzzzz4 ( eric) and all the other people who help, including vendors, attendees, demostrators, etc.... Its nice to see everyone having a good time and taking in any new info and advice from other penturners and talking what we like to do -- turn pens.

On a side note. Rich, you were not the oldest IAP member in attendance ;) You joined in July 2004 , I joined In June 2004 I couldn't remember at that moment, but I thought I had Joined before you. So, my address is 15 ...... .. JUST KIDDING !!!! HA HA HA HA NO Really my address is ....... Stop Already
later everyone. Until next year ---- NOW GET TURNIN !!!!!

mike warren
Just got home from the MPG. What a blast. Good times were had by all. Thanks to Rich and the gang, especially the girls down at the bank.
SorrY I let you take the hit but I didnt hear the request so I guess I let you take the "oldest" label. (I"m Feb 2004). If you are an "older" member, Please stand up!!!

Gosh Mike, old age and memory loss is a horrible thing! LOL
Jeff just asked who joined the IAP in 2004 and I raised my hand. I don't think we should be saying that I'm the oldest IAP member in attendance, I prefer to say the earliest joining member in attendance. I feel old enough as it is! Good to see you again, and thanks for coming.

Hi, All The 2012 MPG was a great event as always. Thanks to Low 48 (Rich) and Buzzzz4 ( eric) and all the other people who help, including vendors, attendees, demostrators, etc.... Its nice to see everyone having a good time and taking in any new info and advice from other penturners and talking what we like to do -- turn pens.

On a side note. Rich, you were not the oldest IAP member in attendance ;) You joined in July 2004 , I joined In June 2004 I couldn't remember at that moment, but I thought I had Joined before you. So, my address is 15 ...... .. JUST KIDDING !!!! HA HA HA HA NO Really my address is ....... Stop Already
later everyone. Until next year ---- NOW GET TURNIN !!!!!

mike warren
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no hat for you, Glenn!!

SorrY I let you take the hit but I didnt hear the request so I guess I let you take the "oldest" label. (I"m Feb 2004). If you are an "older" member, Please stand up!!!

Gosh Mike, old age and memory loss is a horrible thing! LOL
Jeff just asked who joined the IAP in 2004 and I raised my hand. I don't think we should be saying that I'm the oldest IAP member in attendance, I prefer to say the earliest joining member in attendance. I feel old enough as it is! Good to see you again, and thanks for coming.

Hi, All The 2012 MPG was a great event as always. Thanks to Low 48 (Rich) and Buzzzz4 ( eric) and all the other people who help, including vendors, attendees, demostrators, etc.... Its nice to see everyone having a good time and taking in any new info and advice from other penturners and talking what we like to do -- turn pens.

On a side note. Rich, you were not the oldest IAP member in attendance ;) You joined in July 2004 , I joined In June 2004 I couldn't remember at that moment, but I thought I had Joined before you. So, my address is 15 ...... .. JUST KIDDING !!!! HA HA HA HA NO Really my address is ....... Stop Already
later everyone. Until next year ---- NOW GET TURNIN !!!!!

mike warren

I think you should be ineligible, Glenn!!!

You walked out with WAY TOO MUCH loot!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Well done, and well deserved!!! Great "pen-man-ship"!!
Nice going---

Had a long trip home but I made it! I had such a great time getting to meet all my online comrades and putting faces with names. Well worth the trip! I'll make another post later with pics of all the goodies I won and bought while there.
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