Religious Signature Lines

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Your opinion on religious quotes in signature lines

  • I think the AUP should be strictly enforced and no religious content should be allowed

    Votes: 37 18.6%
  • I think the AUP needs to be modified to allow religious quotes in signature lines

    Votes: 81 40.7%
  • I think all quotes in signature lines should be eliminated

    Votes: 8 4.0%
  • I don't care one way or another

    Votes: 73 36.7%

  • Total voters
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Les, that line was there when I last edited the original post at 9:59 pm. Only 2 or three posts had been made by then.

That said, I do not have a problem with the replies as long as they stay civil and don't start discussing religion or politics!
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The effeminate-tizing of our culture is running smooth bore. Great day some of you need to let your tenders drop and get over it.

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet sweaty things.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet sweaty things.

I've always adhered to a modified version of that saying. I thought the second "don't" was a "do"; as in, pet the sweaty things, but don't sweat the petty things. :)
Each time a poll is started it turns into a discussion. I think I'll start a poll to decide if we should end the poll taking. I never vote and think they are a waste of time. Jeff owns the forum and what he decides I will abide by. If one's tag line offends then don't read posts made by that one. We have better things for which to use our bandwidth than polls.
Do a good turn daily!

Please only vote. I don't want this turning into a discussion of religious signature lines!

Not sure where you are coming from here. As part of the management of this forum, I started the poll to take the pulse of the membership on this issue. Are you saying that I should not have started the poll and should have just suggested a policy change to Jeff without user input?
I was tempted to refrain from entering into this thread, however, I have not seen this point of view expressed yet (hinted to, not expressed).
If you ban religious tag lines then ban all tag lines, let's simply sign our names and move on.
To my way of thinking the tag lines, religious or song lyrics, or quotes or anything else used for that purpose, is intended to let everyone else know something about the person posting and is not intended to be controversial or start a discussion about the religion, politics or good taste of the party posting. The tag lines are how people identify themselves and/or wish to be identified by others, good, bad or ugly.
Should a member post something using a tag line I find offensive then I won't read posts by that member.
Thanks for letting me express my views.
Considering we are discussing it...

Let me start by saying I don't have a problem with what folks have as their taglines religous or not. If I were just joining the Assoc and tried to put something that describes me as my tagline only to be rejected because it was mildly religous, I probably wouldn't bother completing the joining process.

On the other hand, I firmly believe that people's actions, comments, and behavior should determine their prolonged membership. For example say someone chose to use porn for their avatar - I hope that would warrant a ban on posting until said user changed their avatar. If someone began preaching to folks on the forum, I would expect the same response.

I guess what I'm getting at is unless the tagline is outrageous in nature, as determined by the moderator :biggrin:, then there shouldn't be a problem with it. The community should respect that the Mod is doing his/her job and live with things such as avatars and taglines. If the Mod decided that porn avatars and prostelitizing were acceptable, then I expect the community would evaporate.

Further, the same question could include Advertising, as accoring to the AUP Advertising should only be listed on the Individual or Business Classifieds Forums - yet several folks have their websites listed in their taglines, and most of those websites offer products to be purchased.

But this is just my $.02....
You can start any poll you want. But, can a poll really get the pulse of the membership? I personally think they are of little value. I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers.

Not sure where you are coming from here. As part of the management of this forum, I started the poll to take the pulse of the membership on this issue. Are you saying that I should not have started the poll and should have just suggested a policy change to Jeff without user input?
Don't worry, Don, you did not ruffle my feathers! Sorry it may have come across that way. If my feathers were ruffled that easily, I would not have stuck around as the moderator here!

And yes, I do think this poll has give a lot of insight into this matter.
Further, the same question could include Advertising, as accoring to the AUP Advertising should only be listed on the Individual or Business Classifieds Forums - yet several folks have their websites listed in their taglines, and most of those websites offer products to be purchased.

But this is just my $.02....

From the AUP: "Links in signatures are permitted provided they point to your personally owned web site(s)."
Im sick and tired of Political correctness and the fact that people should not say god in the pledge of allegiance. This country was based on freedom and individual rights so the fact that someone says i cant say what i believe in or whats on my mind i think is unconstitutional.
Definitely allow the religious signature lines. There are LOTS of religious folk here. Thanks Curtis and Jeff for the work you do.
Im sick and tired of Political correctness and the fact that people should not say god in the pledge of allegiance. This country was based on freedom and individual rights so the fact that someone says i cant say what i believe in or whats on my mind i think is unconstitutional.

I agree completely with most of your sentiment but please remember, there is no freedom of speach on a privately owned forum.
I too have been following this thread and I agree that the tag lines are a way people use to identify and express themselves. I also find that people use their avatars and user names in the same way. If we ban religious tag lines then we should ban all tag lines. And while we are at it we should ban the use of user names because someone feels that (Jeff in) Indiana is an offensive state or finds guns (Rifleman1776) offensive, and use our real names. And after that we should ban the use of avatars because someone finds a certain college or movie offensive. This is such a great forum because the answers to a question you might have are as varied and unique as the individuals themselves and this should show in our tag lines as well as avatars and user names.
Simple fix for it!!
Thread Display Options - these include:
  • 'Visible Post Elements' - whether or not you want to be able to see Signatures, Avatars and Images in posts
Dont like seeing signatures and need something to complain about? uncheck that box :rolleyes:

The forum belongs to Jeff, he has the final say, but honestly folks, whoever is complaining.. cant you find something better to do? Instead of complaining about trivial things just to complain, go do something productive. Make a pen for the troops overseas, visit a random senior in the nursing homes and take a few minutes to show you care, help a neighbor with something, ask the cashier at the store the next time your there how they are doing.. just do something to make it a better place instead of finding something to fuss about.
While we are at it, let's get rid of tag lines with Gaelic phrases that roughly translate into "Kiss my butt".:tongue::tongue:
Or is that allowed still?
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