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Jan 6, 2006
Jacksonville, FL, USA.
Its been a while since I posted anything in the SOYP so I thought I would share a few recent ones...

Platinum Jr. Gent in Chrysocolla Tru-Stone

Gold Sierra in Manzanita Root cast in Blue Poly Resin

Jr. Statesman in White Buffalo Tru-Stone

Black Titanium & Platinum Sierra in Ebony Gaboon and strips of Elephant Ivory (Salvaged from recycled Piano Keys)

Zen Rollerball in Tru-Stone Mosaic

Thanks for looking. Comments & critiques welcome.
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Very nice pens Richard, Didnt see the Mosaic in your classified are you holding out some primo stuff....:wink:

Turned the Lapis, that is some REALLY hard stuff but it is REALLY nice
Beautiful pens, as usual, Richard. How come you have green in your Chrysocolla, are you holding out?:wink::biggrin::biggrin:
That Mosaic one gave me an idea!! I have at least 20 cut offs of Tru-Stone, you know, those little pieces that you don't know what to do with. I think I'll smash them up, fill a mold with them and add some white PR. It MIGHT work?:biggrin:
Lupe, I cant bring myself to throw away much, so I get a lot of scraps that build up from all of the cut offs. I just took a hammer to a few of them and cast in resin.

Rick, You might be thinking of the azurite/chrysocolla which is more of a blue color, but this one is just the chrysocolla which is relatively new. That's exactly what I did with my cuttoffs, so it should work for you too.

Thanks for the comments.
Great bunch of pens. The Sierra is exceptional, well they all are, I just like the idea of the ivory stripes. Been eyeballing the old piano in my basement that no one has touched it years. Would anyone notice it the ivory started peeling off?
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