Really having fun!

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May 26, 2008
Neosho, mo, USA.
Hi everyone, I'm Dee Sallee and am happy to be here. I have been looking over my DH's shoulder for the last couple of months, looking at your gorgious work and in the mean time, have caught the penturning bug. ;)

I have a very stressful job and have been looking for something to do to decompress in the evenings, besides watching TV. After watching my DH make his first few pens, I could see how relaxing penturning could be. I think it's the sound of the turning that is relaxing, not to mention the beauty that comes from something rough and untouched. It is definately a creative outlet and an artform. I only hope my next one will go as well as the first one did....becaue I still have alot of learning to do.

Thank you all for your comments on my first pen and I look forward to meeting those of you that will be attending the picnic in Springfield in August!
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Dee, welcome from South Africa! Don't know about the relaxed pen turning, I STRESS big time when I have a $14 piece of timber on the lathe that I want to change into a pen like I have seen shown here!:D[}:)]
Welcome Dee. Just remember that sooner or later one is going to get the best of you. My first 7 turned out great, the eighth, I'm still working on it. You know what, I've learned more on this one than all the rest. You know, how to dis-assemble, how to refinish..

Glad you are here and keep turn'n.
Welcome from Va. Be careful or you will have to get a second stressfull job to support your addiction. I have begun to understand what a drug addict may feel like. I wish I could get my wife interested. Then maybe I could get to spend more time on the lathe.
Mr Nightowl....if your wife got interested, you might find your lathe taken over by her! LOL!! Or best case could buy yourself another one! LOL!

I've always had an interest in pens and have had my favorite styles and brands. As a matter of fact, if someone was to give me a gift, they always knew that cool paper and an awesome pen would be the ideal thing. Psychologists say that people who are extremely drawn to things like this are usually introverted extroverts...meaning they have alot to say, but like to write it out instead of making a big verbal production.
Well they're kinda right in my case....I have alot to say...and I love to write...but I'm pretty extroverted verbally too....because I am a people person.

What kind of person is your wife? Is she a writer or a talker? Is she in an office environment at her job? Is she a creative person or someone who sticks more closely to the beaten path? I have seen alot of gentlemen here that say they wish their wives would become more interested in turning...and I believe it all depends on what kind of person they are. Maybe the wives are afraid of the machines or maybe intimidated? I was! But my love for pens and the artform of it all got the better of me.

I've had some coworkers/bosses that have seen my custom pens and they kinda roll their eyes while saying....Hmm! Nice! and they go on with what they were doing. But then their are some who are shell shocked...wanting to know how it was done and how much one would cost.

I don't know...I think it's all a matter of how communicative a person is and how they choose to express themselves.
Dee ...

May 27 2008 was the date of your introduction to the membership here. I must apologize for being so late with this, but...

Welcome to the Forum! Very glad to have you here with the rest of us turners and such.

Enjoy your new source of stress relief, er, that is until you get yourself into some weird exotic wood that causes you to experience an even more -yet new - source of stress.
Thank you are all awesome! I appologize for MY late reply to alot of you....been busier than a one legged man in a hind end kicking contest! LOL! Again, thank you all so much for such a wonderful welcome and I look forward to meeting some of you this summer.
Originally posted by dntrost

Welcome dee hide your checkbook:D

OR she can give it me to hold on to... :D .. I PROMISE I won't spend any of it!! REALLY!!

(for those of you that don't know, Dee is my lovely wife [8D] )

Oh my beloved've got my wallet and my heart wrapped around your little finger! LOL!!
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