Ready for work...the company's not ready

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Band Saw Box

Passed Away Dec 8, 2021
In Memoriam
Sep 21, 2013
Hampton, VA 23666
I went to see my Ortho Doctor and I was cleared to go back to work on the 3rd of December. I told my boss and I thought I would be back to work. Until I learned I had been terminated for not getting the company updates. I called the company HR and they say they never got any updates and all I could do it request a rehire. I talked with another person and they told me to fax any uodates and that should stop the termination. It's sad that you give a company 25 years and it means nothing. I dont know what will happen and I dont have to because God knows and he has an amazing plan for me.
The last 10 month have been hard at times but God has brought us through it and even though I did not have the income from my job we were able to help folk in need. One of the thing's that has help Evelyn get through all of it are the prayers of my IAP family. I so thankful for everyone here. This is with out a doubt the best fourm anywhere. I have learned so much and it so much fun to be able to pass it on.
I'll keep everyone up to date on my job. I really want God's will in this matter.
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Naturally God's will is perfect, but check out the Family Medical Leave Act. I don't know about updates though. The act is not hard to understand.
Dan, where and who did/do you work for? Is there no union protection, what do the labor laws say about these types of actions? Did they try to get in contact with you while you were under a Drs. care? Did they know why you missed all of the time you did, and lastly, were you not in touch with them ever over all of this time? I do hope and pray that everything gets straightened out for you, in your favor.
Thanks for all the comments and prayers. Tony I've used all my FML in the first part of the year. Len I and my doctor have done everything right and paper work was sent on time. I dont know what will come from all of this. God is in control and thing will work out to his perfect will..
Dan, sorry to hear of this problem for you. You will be in our prayers. Perhaps, a labor lawyer could help with this situation for you to get advise on what you could do and what your rights may be. Keep your head up, things will work out.
Everyday I'm vertical is a great day
If you read His word. He knew us before we were born. He knows when we lay down and when we get up. He know everything that has happened or will happen to us, so he knew this would happen and even then name of the person who signed off on it and even though it hurts at times I will not be defeated. You can only mess with a child of God for so long. :)
Get another job! I'm sure there are plenty of folks out there who will be happy to hire you. If your so-called employer is too stupid or disorganized to keep track of the paperwork they requested you send them, what will they do with your next paycheck?
God bless you Dan. Hope things turn out well for you.
I was a loyal employee too. When the plant was closing, everyone was offered a transfer, except me. I was told the company didn't want me anymore because of my disability. That's the thanks I get for saving the company millions of dollars.
That was twenty years ago. I think time's past me by.
Dan, your faith and glory given to God is so right. He promises us that he holds us in his hand. So, when the world says that you are crazy to believe and trust, your hope shows through and is a light to those who are perishing. Hold fast. Believe. Do not be afraid.

I will continue to pray that your faith will remain strong during this time of confusion. But, you can be assured that God is not a God of confusion. So, take heart.

Mark 6:50 "But immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid."
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