Question for Admin.....

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Oct 29, 2012
central Minnesota
Who is Alfreda Arbuckle and why am I receiving 'spam' from her at my regular e-mail address.

I question this because the is included in her message. My protection on my computer marked this as SPAM.

Thanks for the help.
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....... or could be some oligarch seeking to clean a bit of cash with your help .... i.e. at your risk

Most probably they want you to first pay the "money transfer fee" to them and then you'll hear nothing more.

Common targets are stone masons and engravers over 50.

Those scams first search your internet habits and then use the info to make you think their emails are legit.
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This is a spam. Delete it and forget it.
Its all over the Net:

One example.

Hello As Requested, please check the HTML SEO report and SEO packages attached Regards: Alfreda Arbuckle Unsubscribe option is available on the footer of our website
Virus' that spam folks in your contact list are quite common. If you open their attachments or follow their links you can easily become the next victim sending out spam as well.
I get those quite, often, Wayne. Just ignore and delete. Don't even read them if you can avoid that.

Certainly DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING IN THE EMAIL when you suspect it as spam.
the thing is that it came to me through the youth contests. This is what has me stumped and concerned.

There's the reason. The youth contest emails were published in the clear and harvesters crawl all forums constantly looking for those. I'll turn off all the mail forwarding and that should fix it.
the thing is that it came to me through the youth contests. This is what has me stumped and concerned.

OK, Wayne, should stop now, I deleted all the Bash mail forwards.

By necessity, web site administrators have to have some publicly known emails and they are flooded with spam. I get around 250 a day.
Spam is made here in Minnesota.
Help support the people of Minnesota and buy SPAM.
My favorite is for breakfast meat. Diced Spam and scrambled eggs.
Or slab it and make hot Spam and cheese sandwiches.

And then there is always baking it with Pineapple slices. Baked potato and peas. Sunday supper.
Hey, Wayne .... you are making me drool !!

Haven't had Spam for several centuries, it seems .... used to have it all the time for lunch as a kid when I came home from school. Spam and cheese sandwich ... grilled.

I think we used to call it Prem in Canada, but I am sure it is much the same.
Spam and Pineapple is a great pizza topping!

I'll trust your experience ! However, it is absent in my Italian Pizza recipe cookbook ??? (I did like Skiprat's recent mention of a four seasons pizza - that is on my list! :good:Albet - NO SPAN).

Spam is made here in Minnesota.
Help support the people of Minnesota and buy SPAM.
My favorite is for breakfast meat. Diced Spam and scrambled eggs.
Or slab it and make hot Spam and cheese sandwiches.

And then there is always baking it with Pineapple slices. Baked potato and peas. Sunday supper.

YUK! I'll take 2 snowshoes and a coffee for breakfast! :tongue:

Hey, Wayne .... you are making me drool !!

Haven't had Spam for several centuries, it seems .... used to have it all the time for lunch as a kid when I came home from school. Spam and cheese sandwich ... grilled.

I think we used to call it Prem in Canada, but I am sure it is much the same.

No problem Mal. After 200 years, it's still good (so they say). I once heard that if we have a nuclear war, cockroaches and spam would survive. :laugh:

ENJOY! (Where's my nachos and tequila???)
Diced Spam and scrambled eggs.

That's funny you mention that. A couple of weeks ago I had Spam for the first time in years. I saw jalapeno Spam at the store and for some reason I had to try it. I had no idea what to do with it and my wife suggested putting it in scrambled eggs. Did that along with cheese and salsa and I was surprised how much I liked it.
Diced Spam and scrambled eggs.

That's funny you mention that. A couple of weeks ago I had Spam for the first time in years. I saw jalapeno Spam at the store and for some reason I had to try it. I had no idea what to do with it and my wife suggested putting it in scrambled eggs. Did that along with cheese and salsa and I was surprised how much I liked it.

I can't imagine buying SPAM on a whim ??

(Maybe I'm wrong!) Hey, I have a week to explore some culinary arts... :) Seriously, I will but some and get back in a week!!! :good::bananen_smilies051:

(Can I still keep the Tequila???)
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Drinking Tequila and frying Span is NOT a safe move.
Think Safety first Mark.

Fry the Spam and as it cools THEN drink the Tequila.

(I gave up drinking Tequila in my 20's.......I don't remember her name but I swore off Tequila that morning) :eek::crying::bulgy-eyes::beat-up::befuddled:
Good luck, Mark !!! . I hope you make it back here !! :biggrin:

I think you are going to be thinking of your cook's return !!!!
Drinking Tequila and frying Span is NOT a safe move.
Think Safety first Mark.

Fry the Spam and as it cools THEN drink the Tequila. Obviously you have some experience!

(I gave up drinking Tequila in my 20's (so about 5 years ago!!!).......I don't remember her name but I swore off Tequila that morning) :eek::crying::bulgy-eyes::beat-up::befuddled:

Be well Wayne!
Spam is made here in Minnesota.
Help support the people of Minnesota and buy SPAM.
My favorite is for breakfast meat. Diced Spam and scrambled eggs.
Or slab it and make hot Spam and cheese sandwiches.

And then there is always baking it with Pineapple slices. Baked potato and peas. Sunday supper.
SPAM = Some Parts Are Meat!
When I was a poor college and med student, I used to make Spam chow mein. Enough soy sauce and anything is palatable to a certain degree.
This one gets my vote for the prize of "Spam of the Year." I didn't copy the link part. ;) Poor thing, let's all try to help in her hour of need. :(

Hello My Beloved One, i need your assistance,

Please bear with me i am writing this mail to you with tears and sorrow from my heart.

I am Aisha Muammar Gaddafi, the only daughter of the embattled president of Libya, Hon. Muammar Gaddafi. I know my mail might come to you as a surprise because you don't know me, but due to unsolicited nature of my situation here in Refugee camp Ouagadougou Burkina Faso i decided to contact you for help. I have passed through pains and sorrowful moment since the death of my father. At the meantime, my family is the target of Western nations led by Nato who wants to destroy my father at all costs. Our investments and bank accounts in several countries are their targets to freeze.

My Father of blessed memory deposited the sum of $5.8M (Five Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars) in Africa Develoment Bank (ADB) Burkina Faso which he used my name as the next of kin. I have been commissioned by the (ADB) bank to present an interested foreign investor/partner who can stand as my trustee and receive the fund in his account for a possible investment in his country due to my refugee status here in Burkina Faso.

I am in search of an honest and reliable person who will help me and stand as my trustee so that I will present him to the Bank for the transfer of the fund to his bank account overseas. I have chosen to contact you after my prayers and I believe that you will not betray my trust but rather take me as your own sister or daughter. If this transaction interest you, you don't have to disclose it to any body because of what is going with my entire family, if the united nation happens to know this account, they will freezing it as they freeze others, so please keep this transaction only to yourself until we finalize it.

Sorry for my pictures i will enclose it in my next mail and more about me when i hear from you okay.

Yours Sincerely
Best Regard,
Aisha Gaddafi
please you can contact me through my private email address
Pete, you are such a kind and giving person to help with her 'time of need'. If you will send me her mailing address I will contact the SPAM companies here in Minnesota for you. I am sure we can arrange for her to receive a pallet or two of our beloved Minnesota product.

Maybe even get Mark to send her some of his best recipes?

Pete, you are such a kind and giving person to help with her 'time of need'. If you will send me her mailing address I will contact the SPAM companies here in Minnesota for you. I am sure we can arrange for her to receive a pallet or two of our beloved Minnesota product.

Maybe even get Mark to send her some of his best recipes?


Humble Pie?
Unfortunately the pork content in SPAM would be offensive to a Moslem so we can't send them any. I'm sure however that a new product can be created just for them called CRAM that would use Crow as the main ingredient. She could delight in enjoying a staple food that politicians here get to eat a lot of. And would be what we would like all spammers to do with their emails. ;)
Unfortunately the pork content in SPAM would be offensive to a Moslem so we can't send them any. I'm sure however that a new product can be created just for them called CRAM that would use Crow as the main ingredient. She could delight in enjoying a staple food that politicians here get to eat a lot of. And would be what we would like all spammers to do with their emails. ;)

Curly, You sure do know how to kill a great joke.

A friend of mine who owns a local car repair shop has a "Customer Appreciation Cookout" in the summer. Pop, Chips, Hotdog and Brats, potato salad, slaw, pickles, the works.....
Love to watch the people that claim to be Muslim eat the brats. And when you warn them there is pork in them..... They say they taste great. To bad they don't understand my English. :biggrin:
During WW2, England was in desperate need of meat, but most meats required refrigeration which left out cargo ships that didn't have refrigeration at the time. So the USA shipped SPAM BY THE TON to England and other allies. The slang name for England was SPAMLAND.

Take a large hamburger bun (Crustini Roll) and dice up some spam and cheese. Mix with mayo and some pickle relish. Spread thick on roll. Bake in oven for 15min and then turn on broiler until just turning brown. YUM YUM!!
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