Question #6

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Oct 10, 2012
Akron, OH
Please be sure your IAP Name and real name are in the body of your email.

Take a look at the beautiful pen below.


1. IAP Name of penmaker
2. Name of blank maker
3. Date it was first posted

A correct answer will contain the numbers 1-3 and all of the correct answers.

Legal Mumbo Jumbo:

There is a limit of one entry per trivia question per day per member. Entry will be via email to ( The email is to contain your guess for the answer to that day's trivia question, your real first and last name, your IAP Screen name, and your email address. Invalid or multiple entries will be disqualified.

I will make every effort to post questions by 8:00 AM each day, all entries must be submitted by 4:00 PM the following day.

Here is a sample reply:

My answer for Trivia Question #6 is: d. oliver
John Doe
johndoe at iamthebestattrivia dot com

Just as in years past good natured conversation is not only encouraged, but expected below! PLEASE DO NOT POST THE ACTUAL ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS. Tongue and Cheek answers below are okay though!

Just to clarify, you are only eligible to win one daily prize, but don't quit playing once you win. You can still gain points and are eligible to win one of the final 3 prizes!


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