Puzzle Contest #9

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Feb 6, 2013
Alvin, TX 77511
Puzzle Contest #9 is now open.

I hope you have all enjoyed the warm-ups for puzzles 9 & 10 :)
These last 2 will be Crossword Puzzles.

Unfortunately, our interactive puzzle server is no longer available to us and I did not have time to set up a new one before this year's BASH, so you will have to do these the old-fashioned way (paper & pen or pencil) and you will also have to type out all your answers in order to submit an entry.


1. Print out the puzzle from the attached pdf file and solve it as best you can
2. Copy the list of clues at the end of this post into a text editor of some sort and insert your answers IN FRONT of each clue (do not erase the clues)
3. After you have solved the puzzle, or whenever you give up, copy and paste your list of answers into an email message and send it to iap.puzzles@gmail.com. Be sure to put Puzzle #9 in the Subject line of your message so I can keep track of which contest your entry is for
4. Please put a question mark in front of any clues that you cannot solve.
5. This puzzle will close at noon CST on Monday, Feb 26.

Be sure to include your real name and user name in your message.

You will earn 2 points if you can solve the entire puzzle correctly. I will give 1 point for solving at least 90% of the clues. Everyone earning one or two points will be entered into the drawing for an individual prize puzzle.

HINT: The puzzle theme is shown at the top of the grid.

The list of clues is in the attached pdf file, but I have also included it in this post to make it easier for you to import into a text file for preparing your entries for this contest.

Banter is encouraged, but please do not post any real hints. Everyone needs to figure out the puzzles on their own.

Have fun and let me know if you have any questions.


1. Alnus glutinos
6. Sapindus drummondii
8. Leucaena retusa
9. Syringa vulgaris
12. Viburnum rufidulum
13. Juglans major
15. Quercus pungens
16. Cordia sbucordata
17. Platanus occidentalis
18. Millettia laurentii
20. Agathis Australis
21. Vachellia farnesiana
22. Chilopsis linearis
23. Rhus lanceolata
26. Dacrydium cupressinum
31. Fraxinus greggii
33. Parkinsonia aculeata
35. Maclura pomifera
36. Chionanthus virginicus
37. Erica arborea
39. Yucca rostrata
43. Caesalpinia platyloba
44. Larix laricina
45. Nyssa aquatica
48. Prunus caroliniana
51. Esenbeckia berlandieri
52. Juniperus ashei
54. Morus rubra
55. Juniperus deppeana
56. Ziziphus obtusifolia


2. Pithecellobium flexicaule
3. Condalia hookeri
4. Ilex coriacea
5. Halesia diptera
6. Sassafras albidum
7. Calocedrus decurrens
10. Tilia caroliniana
11. Crataegus brachyacantha
14. Acacia wrightii
19. Liquidambar styraciflua
21. Cupressus arizonica
24. Bumelia lanuginosa
25. Ligustrum vulgare
27. Thespesia populnea
28. Tectona grandis
29. Cordia trichotoma
30. Nauclea diderrichii
32. Aralia spinosa
34. Nothofagus alpina
35. Quercus emoryi
38. Myrica cerifera
39. Salix nigra
40. Alnus glutinos
41. Asimina triloba
42. Cornus florida
46. Pinus cembroides
47. Carya tomentosa
49. Ceratonia siliqua
50. Gymnocladus dioicus
53. Prunus umbellata


  • Puzzle9a.pdf
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No Warren, it's in the rules that neither books nor internet assistance is allowed. And consulting neighbors, magazines, periodicals etc is forbidden as well. Only external source for answers beyond each of our inherit knowledge is watching Dancing With the Stars. Picking up the entire video series, all answers to Puzzle 9 can be discerned if you watch diligently. :>)
Is there a clue for #15 down?

The middle space of "15 down" should be a black square. I don't know why it didn't show up that way in the pdf.

That's the only such square in this puzzle, but there is also one in #10 that should be black.

I'll see if I can fix it.
Sorry 'bout that
Is there a clue for #15 down?

The middle space of "15 down" should be a black square. I don't know why it didn't show up that way in the pdf.

That's the only such square in this puzzle, but there is also one in #10 that should be black.

I'll see if I can fix it.
Sorry 'bout that

Oh, well that explains it. I've been stuck on these two clues for 7 hours now:eek:

This crossword has one black square that did not properly show up in the original pdf file.

I have edited the original post with a corrected pdf file.

Please be sure to use the pdf file called Puzzle9a.pdf

Ok so just to clarify, our "answer" to this puzzle will just be a list of the clues with our answer to each in front? You don't need the actual completed crossword puzzle itself, correct?
Ok so just to clarify, our "answer" to this puzzle will just be a list of the clues with our answer to each in front? You don't need the actual completed crossword puzzle itself, correct?

That is correct. I just need to know that you were able to solve all (or at least 90%) if the clues properly - I don't need to see the completed puzzle itself.
Since I convinced myself with reasonable certainty that #10 is impossible, this will be my last "completed" puzzle. Spent more time on this one than I care to admit, but had fun. I finally decided to give up and send in what I had, cause I knew it would just eat at me if I didn't. Anyway, thanks for doing these puzzles Edgar, I had a lot of fun!
Since I convinced myself with reasonable certainty that #10 is impossible, this will be my last "completed" puzzle. Spent more time on this one than I care to admit, but had fun. I finally decided to give up and send in what I had, cause I knew it would just eat at me if I didn't. Anyway, thanks for doing these puzzles Edgar, I had a lot of fun!

Sorry Sam, there were 2 errors in the list of clues: 25D and 41D. Please see the corrected original post. You and anyone else who has submitted an entry may resubmit.


Sorry folks, but I made 2 errors in Puzzle #9

Clue 25D should be Ligustrum vulgare
Clue 41D should be Asimina triloba

The list of clues in the original post has been corrected, but I have not changed them in the PDF. Please use the correctedtext list in the original post, rather than the list in the pdf. The puzzle grid in the pdf is correct.

Anyone who has already submitted an entry may resubmit.

The End Is Near

Just a reminder that Puzzles #9 and #10 will both end at noon CST today (Monday, Feb 26).


Puzzles #9 and #10 are now closed.

That's the end of the 2018 BASH Puzzle Contests. I will post results for 9 & 10 shortly, but it will take me some time to review all the entries once more and announce the individual & overall winners of this year's puzzles.

Thanks for playing
Puzzle #9 Answers

We had 10 entries for Puzzle #10. Three people completed the puzzle and earned 2 points. Five people completed at least 90% of the puzzle and earned 1 point. Two people submitted an entry, but did not complete at least 90% of it, so I was not able to award them any points.

Our 2 point earners were:

Our 1 point earners were:
Leo S. Long

Those 8 players will be entered into a drawing for the individual prizes for this puzzle.

Thanks to all who attempted this puzzle & submitted an entry.

Here are the answers to the clues:


1. ALDER—Alnus glutinos
6. SOAP—Sapindus drummondii
8. WAHOO—Leucaena retusa
9. LILAC—Syringa vulgaris
12. NANNY—Viburnum rufidulum
13. NOGAL—Juglans major
15. ENCINO—Quercus pungens
16. MANJAK—Cordia sbucordata
17. PLANE—Platanus occidentalis
18. WENGE—Millettia laurentii
20. KAURI—Agathis Australis
21. CASSIE—Vachellia farnesiana
22. MIMBRE—Chilopsis linearis
23. SUMAC—Rhus lanceolata
26. RIMU—Dacrydium cupressinum
31. FRESNO—Fraxinus greggii
33. RETAMA—Parkinsonia aculeata
35. BODARK—Maclura pomifera
36. FRINGE—Chionanthus virginicus
37. BRIAR—Erica arborea
39. SOYATE—Yucca rostrata
43. PAELA—Caesalpinia platyloba
44. LARCH—Larix laricina
45. TUPELO—Nyssa aquatica
48. PEACH—Prunus caroliniana
51. JOPOY—Esenbeckia berlandieri
52. SABINO—Juniperus ashei
54. MORAL—Morus rubra
55. TASCATE—Juniperus deppeana
56. CLEPE—Ziziphus obtusifolia


2. EBANO—Pithecellobium flexicaule
3. BRASIL—Condalia hookeri
4. BAYGALL—Ilex coriacea
5. COWLICK—Halesia diptera
6. SASSAFRAS—Sassafras albidum
7. INCENSE—Calocedrus decurrens
10. LINDEN—Tilia caroliniana
11. HAW—Crataegus brachyacantha
14. GATO—Acacia wrightii
19. GUM—Liquidambar styraciflua
21. CEDRO—Cupressus arizonica
24. COMA—Bumelia lanuginosa
25. PRIVET—Ligustrum vulgate
27. MILO—Thespesia populnea
28. TEAK—Tectona grandis
29. PETERBY—Cordia trichotoma
30. BADI—Nauclea diderrichii
32. SHOTBUSH—Aralia spinosa
34. RAULI—Nothofagus alpina
35. BELLOTA—Quercus emoryi
38. TALLOW—Myrica cerifera
39. SAUZ—Salix nigra
40. ALDER—Alnus glutinos
41. PAWPAW—Asimina triiloba
42. CORNEL—Cornus florida
46. PINYON—Pinus cembroides
47. HOGNUT—Carya tomentosa
49. CAROB—Ceratonia siliqua
50. COFFEE—Gymnocladus dioicus
53. SLOE—Prunus umbellata
That was a fun one Edgar. I was certain that a typo or misspelling got me, but it looks like two words could have gone two different ways (though I admit I was stretching a little on 41D).

41D: Asimina triiloba - I went with Banana (as in Wild Banana or various other Banana names), though Pawpaw is more common https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ornamentals/natives/ASIMINATRILOBA.HTM

51A: Juniperus ashei - I went with Enebro rather than Sabino https://www.wildflower.org/gallery/result.php?id_image=28555

As my mom always said, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Hmm, I had Alder listed twice and forgot to list it on the answer sheet.
for the Prunus caroliniana I saw the cherry, Mock orange and looked right past the Peach

Fun puzzle thanks to Edgar
That was a fun one Edgar. I was certain that a typo or misspelling got me, but it looks like two words could have gone two different ways (though I admit I was stretching a little on 41D).

41D: Asimina triiloba - I went with Banana (as in Wild Banana or various other Banana names), though Pawpaw is more common https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ornamentals/natives/ASIMINATRILOBA.HTM

51A: Juniperus ashei - I went with Enebro rather than Sabino https://www.wildflower.org/gallery/result.php?id_image=28555

As my mom always said, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

I didn't penalize for minor typos as long as the correct answer was obvious. Since I only asked for a word list & not the actual completed puzzle, it would have been easy to accidentally type a word wrong (and there were several). So no big deal there.

I did accept possible alternate answers for the clues if they actually fit the puzzle and meshed with interlacing words. After looking at BANANA and ENEBRO a second time, I realize that they do fit this criteria. I missed that on the first go-round. As a result, you also got a 100% score on the puzzle.

Sorry about that.
That was a lot of work for one point , but I enjoyed it . I usually use the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower center database for things Texan as it is a good source of alternative names , but it fell short on fresno and peach . Thanks again Edgar (and willing to thank you one more time if you can pull my name out of the draw hat ) .
Although I didn't get enough to qualify, and therefore didn't submit my puzzle, I enjoyed this quite a bit. I loved trying to figure it all out! Thank you so much for the time you put into making this.

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Edgar thanks for the fun and education. I got exposure to users, posts, and information on this site I hadn't previously come across. That says alot about the wealth of information and knowledge on this forum since I've had to reference it so much already as I've gotten started turning in the last year. Wish I had another day or two more for the last crossword.
My curiosity always gets the better of me . Do you have and have you turned all of those woods Edgar ?

Now you've given me some ideas for future puzzles. :)

Here's a warm-up:

Which of the following is NOT in my wood collection?

Monkey pod
Platypus gum
Dog wood
Mongoose wood
Horse apple
Zebra wood
Tiger wood
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