Puzzle Contest #5 -- Second Chance

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New Member Advocate
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
Alvin, TX 77511
We had 13 entries for Puzzle #5, but none of them had the right answer, so I will open up a second chance for you to win one of the individual prizes for this contest.


1. Anyone may participate in this second chance contest, including those 13 people who have already submitted an entry by email.

Yes, I realize that those people have a slight advantage over everyone else because they each know one wood that is not correct. However, that only seems fair, because they did go to the effort of entering the contest on the first go-round.

2. Post your guess in this thread. You may post ONLY ONE guess in ONE SINGLE post. If you make multiple posts, only your first one will count. If you make multiple guesses in a single post, your entry will not be accepted.

3. Everyone who gets the right answer will earn 1 point toward the overall prize total and if there are multiple correct answers, those people will be entered into a random draw for the individual prizes for this puzzle.

4. If you have already won an individual puzzle prize, you cannot win one of the prizes for this puzzle, but you can still earn 1 point toward the overall prize total.

5. I ask the 13 people who have already emailed an entry to please not reveal what your incorrect guess was. Your second chance guess will be disqualified if you do.

6. This second chance opportunity will stay open until sometime Sunday afternoon on Feb 26. Please try to get your answers in by 3:00 PM CST on Sunday - I will close the contest as soon after 3PM as I can get to it.

7. If no one wins either or both of the prizes for this contest, they will be returned to the BASH Prize Pool for reallocation by the BASH Manager.

SO, Here We Go.......

Your challenge for this puzzle is to identify the wood shown in the photos below. This is a root that my brother yanked out of the ground at his farm in Weesatche, TX.

It is one of the following 10 woods - which one do you think it is?

Hills Weeping Fig
Eastern Red Cedar
Hog Plum
Alabama Supplejack
Osage Orange

Banter is encouraged and may be posted in this thread, but no serious hints!

Good luck & have fun.


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Oh boy ! Ten possibilities , 9 of which have been picked , so no guarantee that some one has won yet . 18 new guesses so far , of which at least 14 must be wrong . I was pretty sure that my first guess was correct , but at least one of you has fallen into the same trap . And I haven`t even won one point in any of the games I have been able to enter . Now Edgar is totally convinced that previous times when I have identified wood that he wasn`t able to were total flukes , so my reputation is in shatters .

I know strange things are found in Texas , probably including some penturners . And I know I can find trees on my farm which are very atypical in appearance compared to the species norm , and also that roots may be quite different than what is above ground .

So , from the guesses above , I believe there are enough of us that we can successfully hog tie Edgar if he says we are not correct . Hog plum , it is !!
Puzzle #5 is Closed

This puzzle is now closed. We do have at least one winner.

Results will be announced.
Did you say there was going to be one more of these contests before the BASH officially closes??? Please put us out of our misery, please!!! My family is giving me strange looks as I swear and rant about this contest. I tried explaining it to them once but, that just made things worse!!!
Nope, we are done. Six puzzles was all that we had slated for this year.

All that's left is to announce the Puzzle #5 results and the grand prize winners. Both will be done before the end of the month.
Nope, we are done. Six puzzles was all that we had slated for this year.

All that's left is to announce the Puzzle #5 results and the grand prize winners. Both will be done before the end of the month.
By the end of the month. By that time my last non grey hair won't be non anymore.:eek:
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