Mini Review PSI #DrillCent3

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Passed Away Mar 29, 2018
In Memoriam
Nov 23, 2009
Milford, Delaware 19963
I bought this tool about a year ago and used it all last year for drilling. It worked just OK as a drill center because the front jaw could wobble some so it didn't always hold straight---I worked around that but got a lot of blanks not drilled straight enough regardless of how often I backed out to cool off.

It is not a well engineered device. The jaws are aluminum and the drive is steel which is threaded to screw into a threaded hole on the front moving jaw. I'm not sure what I did but the threaded hole stripped and now will not attach to the driving screw rendering it non-moveable. I could probably take it apart and run a tap through it and fix the threads but it will probably just happen again.

Use your own judgement but this tool is not well designed and not particularily made --- for $50 they should do better.
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