PRPrincess insists

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Ok, some of you are warm. But you need to be more specific, and more, well.......British. [8D]

BTW it was readily available prior to 1969, as well as currently available [:D][}:)][:D]
Aargh!!!!![}:)]This is driving me bonkers!!!!!! But don't spill the beans yet!!! .....beans?

Was it edible before you cast it????
Diner coming to your way as Breakfast coming to my way so I will say " Dry potatoes flakes " ( instant potatoe mash ) , Hi skiprat about bunger and mush[:D][:p]
Gelatine crystals[8D]...used to love eating the stuff when I was a kid
I think they use it to make bavarois as well as normal jelly.

Too tired to think, so I'm off to bed. Hope someone gets it by morning.[V]
Closer, Lou. Simpler, though and think British pastime [:D][:D][:D]

Sorry guys told have to go now. How you get it by tomarrow. You can also Google it, in many ways - if that helps [}:)][}:)][:D]
Simplier than toffee. Peanut brittle?

Tea and crumpets? Although, I don't know what a crumpet is.

I propose we offer a few blanks to the winner.

A stick of rock? (a bit like what us Yanks call rock candy)

(fondly remembering George Formby)
Every year when summer comes round, off to the sea I go.
I don't care if I do spend a pound, I'm rather rash I know.
See me dressed like all the sports, in my blazer and a pair of shorts.
With my little stick of Blackpool Rock, along the promenade I stroll.
It may be sticky but I never complain, it's nice to have a nibble at it now and again
Every day wherever I stray the kids all round me flock.

One afternoon the band conductor up on his stand
Somehow lost his baton - it flew out of his hand
So I jumped in his place and then conducted the band
With my little stick of Blackpool Rock

With my little stick of Blackpool Rock, along the promenade I stroll,
In my pocket it got stuck I could tell `Cos when I pulled it out I pulled my shirt off as well
Every day wherever I stray the kids all round me flock.

A girl while bathing clung to me, my wits had to use
She cried, "I'm drowning, and to save me, you won't refuse"
I said, "Well if you're drowning then I don't want to lose
My little stick of Blackpool Rock."

With my little stick of Blackpool Rock, along the promenade I stroll
In the ballroom I went dancing each night
No wonder every girl that danced with me, stuck to me tight

Every day wherever I stray the kids all round me flock.
A fellow took my photograph it cost one and three.
I said when it was done, "Is that supposed to be me?"
"You've properly mucked it up the only thing I can see is
My little stick of Blackpool Rock."
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