Pool Cue(?)Pen

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Passed Away Mar 22, 2022
In Memoriam
Oct 19, 2006
In a Skip in Wales
Managed to grab an hour or two to finish this one this morning.
Jr Statesman with softwood pine and unknown dark hardwood. ( perhaps Miranti?) You can see how I did the points in this thread
I put many coats of CA on it in the hope that it will make the pine less likely to be dinged.
Hope you like:biggrin: Any comments or critiques welcome:wink:
It is a bit long, but I think any shorter and it would have looked weird:rolleyes:


  • PoolCue1.jpg
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  • PoolCue2.jpg
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That is so awesome. Your work is such an inspiration. I sure hope I can get something that looks half that good for my project. If not I may have to see if I can get you to make me up about 6 blanks lol. I am still trying to figure out how to do the indexing and getting a router and mounting it. Excellent pen!
Hey, I just learned something...
I loaded the first pics using my mobile dongle (3G) but it was a weak signal and the pics looked very grainy on my screen. I just reloaded them on my home wireless thingy and now they look better.
That is so awesome. Your work is such an inspiration. I sure hope I can get something that looks half that good for my project. If not I may have to see if I can get you to make me up about 6 blanks lol. I am still trying to figure out how to do the indexing and getting a router and mounting it. Excellent pen!

James, please just ask if any of the pics in that pictorial need more explanation. I was hoping for some questions that would clear things up, before re-doing it as a tutorial for the library. Don't be shy:wink:
James, please just ask if any of the pics in that pictorial need more explanation. I was hoping for some questions that would clear things up, before re-doing it as a tutorial for the library. Don't be shy:wink:

Your post and pics are pretty self explanitory. Heck I can even follow them lol. My problem is mostly me lmao. I dont have an indexing set-up or router.
i been trying to make a four point pool cue pen for a year, lol, and he does it in a couple hours. Really nice looking pen.
Reminded me of a certain burgundy and white Retro:wink: that sits right next to one of my Eagle pens. An hour or so to make it, you indeed are a master or Superman......
Skip you are amzing. Another fine example of crafstmanship at its best. Thanks for showing and the explanation also.

I always wanted to try a cue pen of some sort and this may be the ticket. Thought they would make a nice compliment to these and maybe I could do a desk set of sorts. :)

Awesome pen, Skip! Next time you might think about adding a short piece of blue pine or dyed maple or something to the end to simulate the chalked tip. :cool:

And JT, those clocks would make an excellent base for such a pen!
I prefer the Punisher, as he just keeps punishing me with these Fantabulous Masterpieces!!!
Wondered how to make the dark point end longer and now I see it but how would you make it longer off the jig? Splice a piece on?


Sorry Chuckie, I'm not sure I understand the question? Do you mean having the dark section 'solid' well after the point they meet?
If so, easy to do....simply shape the router template first with the slope and then a straight section. The cap was made from 4 bits of the same quadrant.

Reminded me of a certain burgundy and white Retro:wink: that sits right next to one of my Eagle pens. An hour or so to make it, you indeed are a master or Superman......

LOL.....well, an hour or so to turn, but a few hours the other day just to set up and practice, then another few to cut and glue up.
I think I did your pen with a 30 deg cutter.
I'm honoured that it gets to sit next to one of Eagles:wink:

.......And I have to ask...... Can you do it in resin?? :devil:

LOL, crazy woman:tongue: Done several in resin already, this was my very first in wood:tongue:

Many thanks for all the nice comments. Although the joints resemble those of a pool cue, I didn't want to limit the appeal to just 'pool people' so didn't add the blue tip etc. This pen was really just the result of the pictorial to show how to do the sharp points easily. :biggrin:
Absotutely amazing!

The points are actualy WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cleaner than those rounded ends on house sticks.

Steven, You really should consider starting a penmaking school. I think you could get rich teaching us un-knowers the way!
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