Poll Question #3

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
• Photos of contest entries should be hidden from public view until all entries can be displayed at the same time so all entries receive equal time in public view.
• Photos of contest entries should be posted as soon as they are received so members will have something to look at and talk about.

Please read this post prior to voting​

The highlight of the annual Birthday Bash is the competitions that allow our creative members to showcase their abilities. Whether the contest is about pen making, casting, segmenting, photography or any other artistic endeavor the members love to show off their stuff for prizes and bragging rights. Those who do not enter the contests love to look at, and be inspired by, the entries.

There are two schools of thought about how the contest entries should be displayed. There is some correlation between how the photos of the entries are displayed and how the contests are judged. Please note that the subject of this poll is how, or more specifically when, the photos are displayed. How entries are judged (Judges or open vote) will be explored in a different poll.

There are those who believe that the photos of the entries should be hidden until the voting begins or the winners are announced. They believe that posting photos of the entries can either discourage participation of others or give someone an unfair advantage. On the one hand if a picture of a drop-dead gorgeous pen is posted early in the contest members who were intending to enter may figure there is no way they could do better and decide not to enter. On the other hand if photos are posted as soon as they are received others will know what they are competing against and have an unfair advantage. Additionally, photos of entries that are entered into the contest early in the month receive more time in the public eye than those that are entered later.

The other side of the issue believes the photos of the entries should be displayed as soon as they are received. IAP members like to look at pens and they don't want to wait until the Bash is half way over to be shown something. They figure that by displaying the photos members might be challenged and inspired to create an entry as good as, or better than those already shown. Having the photos visible encourages interaction (banter) between members.

This poll will remain open indefinitely. Future IAP contests will be influenced by the results of this poll.
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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
I think you are missing a point in the reasoning for NOT posting the photos. To me it was never about having the same amount of time in the spotlight. It is more about keeping process fair. Those who are on the ball and submit photos early are more likely to do one of two things...either reduce participation because their pen is so darn good that no one thinks they can beat it or it gives an unfair advantage to the follow who has not done his pen yet since he will know what has already been submitted. Personally, if it goes back to the old ways and I was participating, I would wait until the last few hours of the contest to submit my pen, thus causing more last minute work for the contest chair. I don't think folks consider this angle when they voice an opinion on the subject and it should be a part of your question, imo.


IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH

There are those who believe that the photos of the entries should be hidden until the voting begins or the winners are announced. They believe that posting photos of the entries can either discourage participation of others or give someone an unfair advantage. On the one hand if a picture of a drop-dead gorgeous pen is posted early in the contest members who were intending to enter may figure there is no way they could do better and decide not to enter. On the other hand if photos are posted as soon as they are received others will know what they are competing against and have an unfair advantage. Additionally, photos of entries that are entered into the contest early in the month receive more time in the public eye than those that are entered later.

Thanks Curtis. I edited it to include the advantage aspect of posting the photos as received.
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