Please and Thank You

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I once heard a great response to," You don't have to hold the door open because I'm a lady." The response was," Ma'am I'm not holding this door open because you're a lady, I'm holding this door open because I'm a gentleman."

good answer! My wife and I have been married 38 years and I still open and close her car door for her. I also hold restaurant doors for other approaching ladies or couples, allowing them to enter first. I know that doesn't make me anything special but it helps me feel good about myself and most express their appreciation. Thanks, Skip for pointing this out. I hope I'm not one who has forgotten to say thanks, but if I have then I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one for any help or advice which they may have given. Thanks!
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:bananen_smilies035: Skip; I agree with you 110% !!!! The thing that burns my butt the most, is when a member asks a question and someone gives them a dumb or smart a$$ answer. I have been told that I just don't know the person giving the answer. That's correct, I have never met the person giving this answer. All I have to go on is what they type on this site. When someone reaches out for help and you give them a dumb or smart a$$ answer, you aren't helping out anyone, yourself most of all. I remember my mother bringing me to see " Bambi ". In the movie Thumper's mother tells him " If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all ". I think this idea still holds true today, unless they are asking for C&C to improve their skills. Second butt burner. No reply to new people's threads. The first thing I do when I enter this site is to go down the list of new threads and look for any that have little or no replys. I like to let people know that there is someone here that is interested in there work. If nobody answers their threads, or comments on their work, ( good or bad ) we will lose these people. We all were new at one time. I think if you refer them to the li Happy Holidays to everyone !!! Jim S

There are 2 sides to this remark though. This being one site that has a constant influx of newbies and with that comes the same old and I mean old questions that many people such as myself have seen and answered many times over. I have stopped answering most of the times. This is no reason to give a tart answer but you get my point.

Now don't get me wrong it is encouraged for Newbies to get involved and ask questions. It makes them start to get the feel of becoming a part of the community. But and this is a big BUT, it helps if said Newbie would do alittle searching first before asking these questions. That is why sometimes harsh answers show up. My theory is this. I think the Newdie is doing themselves an injustice or shortchanging themselves. The reason I say this is because like I said some of the most basic questions are asked over and over and have been answered many times. At some point less and less people start answering these questions and then you have Newbies answering Newbie questions. If they would do a search first they would probably and I know for sure they would find more complete answers from alot of people. That is why I say they are shortchanging themselves.

Just an opinion.

John; Every year the same teachers have new students that ask the same questions that were asked the year before. Because the "Newbies" are asking the same questions should they, the teachers, stop answering the questions?? The "Newbies" need to be pointed in the right direction. You don't have to answer the same old question, just tell them where they can find the answer. I have been on this site for awhile now, and I still don't know what it all contains or how to get to it. Every time I look through it I find something I didn't know was in there. I understand what you are saying. I started making pens about 15 years ago, and I had no one to ask, books to look at, or web sites to go to. These old questions are not old to the people asking them !! It's always easier to answer an old or dumb question than to correct a bad mistake. I also dislike lables such as Newbie, Amature, Professional, and Master. We are all turners !! I never get tired of talking about woodworking in any way, shape, or form. If I can help someone with a problem, save them time or money, or show them a different way of doing something, all the better. You can read all the books, watch all the videos, or ask all the questions you want, but until you try something with your own hands, you have no idea what results to expect. I think if you refer them to the library the first time, they will go there first the next time they have a question or need help. If not, they are only going to learn slowly, one step at a time. Thank you to all who care enough to share the very best !! Happy Holidays to all !!! Jim S

On the subject of repeated questions from the newbies.... a long time ago I was told by a very wise chief petty officer, the only dumb question is the question you didn't ask. We all had to learn at some time or other and we all asked questions... it doesn't matter if I've been asked a question before, if I have an answer, I'll try to help a person to learn.

I will stand behind my answer because I see people have not really read what I wrote but that is OK.
:bananen_smilies035: Skip; I agree with you 110% !!!! The thing that burns my butt the most, is when a member asks a question and someone gives them a dumb or smart a$$ answer. I have been told that I just don't know the person giving the answer. That's correct, I have never met the person giving this answer. All I have to go on is what they type on this site. When someone reaches out for help and you give them a dumb or smart a$$ answer, you aren't helping out anyone, yourself most of all. I remember my mother bringing me to see " Bambi ". In the movie Thumper's mother tells him " If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all ". I think this idea still holds true today, unless they are asking for C&C to improve their skills. Second butt burner. No reply to new people's threads. The first thing I do when I enter this site is to go down the list of new threads and look for any that have little or no replys. I like to let people know that there is someone here that is interested in there work. If nobody answers their threads, or comments on their work, ( good or bad ) we will lose these people. We all were new at one time. I think if you refer them to the li Happy Holidays to everyone !!! Jim S

There are 2 sides to this remark though. This being one site that has a constant influx of newbies and with that comes the same old and I mean old questions that many people such as myself have seen and answered many times over. I have stopped answering most of the times. This is no reason to give a tart answer but you get my point.

Now don't get me wrong it is encouraged for Newbies to get involved and ask questions. It makes them start to get the feel of becoming a part of the community. But and this is a big BUT, it helps if said Newbie would do alittle searching first before asking these questions. That is why sometimes harsh answers show up. My theory is this. I think the Newdie is doing themselves an injustice or shortchanging themselves. The reason I say this is because like I said some of the most basic questions are asked over and over and have been answered many times. At some point less and less people start answering these questions and then you have Newbies answering Newbie questions. If they would do a search first they would probably and I know for sure they would find more complete answers from alot of people. That is why I say they are shortchanging themselves.

Just an opinion.

John; Every year the same teachers have new students that ask the same questions that were asked the year before. Because the "Newbies" are asking the same questions should they, the teachers, stop answering the questions?? The "Newbies" need to be pointed in the right direction. You don't have to answer the same old question, just tell them where they can find the answer. I have been on this site for awhile now, and I still don't know what it all contains or how to get to it. Every time I look through it I find something I didn't know was in there. I understand what you are saying. I started making pens about 15 years ago, and I had no one to ask, books to look at, or web sites to go to. These old questions are not old to the people asking them !! It's always easier to answer an old or dumb question than to correct a bad mistake. I also dislike lables such as Newbie, Amature, Professional, and Master. We are all turners !! I never get tired of talking about woodworking in any way, shape, or form. If I can help someone with a problem, save them time or money, or show them a different way of doing something, all the better. You can read all the books, watch all the videos, or ask all the questions you want, but until you try something with your own hands, you have no idea what results to expect. I think if you refer them to the library the first time, they will go there first the next time they have a question or need help. If not, they are only going to learn slowly, one step at a time. Thank you to all who care enough to share the very best !! Happy Holidays to all !!! Jim S

On the subject of repeated questions from the newbies.... a long time ago I was told by a very wise chief petty officer, the only dumb question is the question you didn't ask. We all had to learn at some time or other and we all asked questions... it doesn't matter if I've been asked a question before, if I have an answer, I'll try to help a person to learn.

I will stand behind my answer because I see people have not really read what I wrote but that is OK.

John; There were 1,232 people that read your comment. I am sure that everyone of them did not misunderstand you. What ever you choose to do or not do is your choise, it's not a major topic to the rest of us. Twenty little children who will not see Santa this year at Christmas is! Pease to you John !! And I hope that you and your's have happy holidays. Jim S
:bananen_smilies035: Skip; I agree with you 110% !!!! The thing that burns my butt the most, is when a member asks a question and someone gives them a dumb or smart a$$ answer. I have been told that I just don't know the person giving the answer. That's correct, I have never met the person giving this answer. All I have to go on is what they type on this site. When someone reaches out for help and you give them a dumb or smart a$$ answer, you aren't helping out anyone, yourself most of all. I remember my mother bringing me to see " Bambi ". In the movie Thumper's mother tells him " If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all ". I think this idea still holds true today, unless they are asking for C&C to improve their skills. Second butt burner. No reply to new people's threads. The first thing I do when I enter this site is to go down the list of new threads and look for any that have little or no replys. I like to let people know that there is someone here that is interested in there work. If nobody answers their threads, or comments on their work, ( good or bad ) we will lose these people. We all were new at one time. I think if you refer them to the li Happy Holidays to everyone !!! Jim S

There are 2 sides to this remark though. This being one site that has a constant influx of newbies and with that comes the same old and I mean old questions that many people such as myself have seen and answered many times over. I have stopped answering most of the times. This is no reason to give a tart answer but you get my point.

Now don't get me wrong it is encouraged for Newbies to get involved and ask questions. It makes them start to get the feel of becoming a part of the community. But and this is a big BUT, it helps if said Newbie would do alittle searching first before asking these questions. That is why sometimes harsh answers show up. My theory is this. I think the Newdie is doing themselves an injustice or shortchanging themselves. The reason I say this is because like I said some of the most basic questions are asked over and over and have been answered many times. At some point less and less people start answering these questions and then you have Newbies answering Newbie questions. If they would do a search first they would probably and I know for sure they would find more complete answers from alot of people. That is why I say they are shortchanging themselves.

Just an opinion.

John; Every year the same teachers have new students that ask the same questions that were asked the year before. Because the "Newbies" are asking the same questions should they, the teachers, stop answering the questions?? The "Newbies" need to be pointed in the right direction. You don't have to answer the same old question, just tell them where they can find the answer. I have been on this site for awhile now, and I still don't know what it all contains or how to get to it. Every time I look through it I find something I didn't know was in there. I understand what you are saying. I started making pens about 15 years ago, and I had no one to ask, books to look at, or web sites to go to. These old questions are not old to the people asking them !! It's always easier to answer an old or dumb question than to correct a bad mistake. I also dislike lables such as Newbie, Amature, Professional, and Master. We are all turners !! I never get tired of talking about woodworking in any way, shape, or form. If I can help someone with a problem, save them time or money, or show them a different way of doing something, all the better. You can read all the books, watch all the videos, or ask all the questions you want, but until you try something with your own hands, you have no idea what results to expect. I think if you refer them to the library the first time, they will go there first the next time they have a question or need help. If not, they are only going to learn slowly, one step at a time. Thank you to all who care enough to share the very best !! Happy Holidays to all !!! Jim S

On the subject of repeated questions from the newbies.... a long time ago I was told by a very wise chief petty officer, the only dumb question is the question you didn't ask. We all had to learn at some time or other and we all asked questions... it doesn't matter if I've been asked a question before, if I have an answer, I'll try to help a person to learn.

I will stand behind my answer because I see people have not really read what I wrote but that is OK.

John; There were 1,232 people that read your comment. I am sure that everyone of them did not misunderstand you. What ever you choose to do or not do is your choise, it's not a major topic to the rest of us. Twenty little children who will not see Santa this year at Christmas is! Pease to you John !! And I hope that you and your's have happy holidays. Jim S

Again Jim you did not understand me. I was talking to all that keep quoting me every time this quote keeps getting longer and longer and you too have a Merry Christmas. Very poor taste to bring up such a tradgedy. I don't understand you. What in the world does that have to do with the topic.

My heart goes out to all that were affected by such a horrific event and to all the people and familys around the world that have hardships to endure. Wow. Where did this go:confused:
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:bananen_smilies035: Skip; I agree with you 110% !!!! The thing that burns my butt the most, is when a member asks a question and someone gives them a dumb or smart a$$ answer. I have been told that I just don't know the person giving the answer. That's correct, I have never met the person giving this answer. All I have to go on is what they type on this site. When someone reaches out for help and you give them a dumb or smart a$$ answer, you aren't helping out anyone, yourself most of all. I remember my mother bringing me to see " Bambi ". In the movie Thumper's mother tells him " If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all ". I think this idea still holds true today, unless they are asking for C&C to improve their skills. Second butt burner. No reply to new people's threads. The first thing I do when I enter this site is to go down the list of new threads and look for any that have little or no replys. I like to let people know that there is someone here that is interested in there work. If nobody answers their threads, or comments on their work, ( good or bad ) we will lose these people. We all were new at one time. I think if you refer them to the li Happy Holidays to everyone !!! Jim S

There are 2 sides to this remark though. This being one site that has a constant influx of newbies and with that comes the same old and I mean old questions that many people such as myself have seen and answered many times over. I have stopped answering most of the times. This is no reason to give a tart answer but you get my point.

Now don't get me wrong it is encouraged for Newbies to get involved and ask questions. It makes them start to get the feel of becoming a part of the community. But and this is a big BUT, it helps if said Newbie would do alittle searching first before asking these questions. That is why sometimes harsh answers show up. My theory is this. I think the Newdie is doing themselves an injustice or shortchanging themselves. The reason I say this is because like I said some of the most basic questions are asked over and over and have been answered many times. At some point less and less people start answering these questions and then you have Newbies answering Newbie questions. If they would do a search first they would probably and I know for sure they would find more complete answers from alot of people. That is why I say they are shortchanging themselves.

Just an opinion.

John; Every year the same teachers have new students that ask the same questions that were asked the year before. Because the "Newbies" are asking the same questions should they, the teachers, stop answering the questions?? The "Newbies" need to be pointed in the right direction. You don't have to answer the same old question, just tell them where they can find the answer. I have been on this site for awhile now, and I still don't know what it all contains or how to get to it. Every time I look through it I find something I didn't know was in there. I understand what you are saying. I started making pens about 15 years ago, and I had no one to ask, books to look at, or web sites to go to. These old questions are not old to the people asking them !! It's always easier to answer an old or dumb question than to correct a bad mistake. I also dislike lables such as Newbie, Amature, Professional, and Master. We are all turners !! I never get tired of talking about woodworking in any way, shape, or form. If I can help someone with a problem, save them time or money, or show them a different way of doing something, all the better. You can read all the books, watch all the videos, or ask all the questions you want, but until you try something with your own hands, you have no idea what results to expect. I think if you refer them to the library the first time, they will go there first the next time they have a question or need help. If not, they are only going to learn slowly, one step at a time. Thank you to all who care enough to share the very best !! Happy Holidays to all !!! Jim S

On the subject of repeated questions from the newbies.... a long time ago I was told by a very wise chief petty officer, the only dumb question is the question you didn't ask. We all had to learn at some time or other and we all asked questions... it doesn't matter if I've been asked a question before, if I have an answer, I'll try to help a person to learn.

I will stand behind my answer because I see people have not really read what I wrote but that is OK.

John; There were 1,232 people that read your comment. I am sure that everyone of them did not misunderstand you. What ever you choose to do or not do is your choise, it's not a major topic to the rest of us. Twenty little children who will not see Santa this year at Christmas is! Pease to you John !! And I hope that you and your's have happy holidays. Jim S

Again Jim you did not understand me. I was talking to all that keep quoting me every time this quote keeps getting longer and longer and you too have a Merry Christmas. Very poor taste to bring up such a tradgedy. I don't understand you. What in the world does that have to do with the topic.

My heart goes out to all that were affected by such a horrific event and to all the people and familys around the world that have hardships to endure. Wow. Where did this go:confused:
John I was trying to convey to you that there are things happening around us that are more important than this conversation or topic. Sorry if I offended you with my example !! THE END Jim S
Can you guys keep going? I want to see what happens when the "Quoted by UserX" text gets pushed over to the right margin. It's kinda looking like one of those mirrors that go on to
Can you guys keep going? I want to see what happens when the "Quoted by UserX" text gets pushed over to the right margin. It's kinda looking like one of those mirrors that go on to

I saw another site that did that,




I just figured I'd give this old thread a bump.......:biggrin::wink:

Apologies if you've seen it before. :wink:
I read the thread from start to finish. (Was a new member when the original come out). I like reruns!

I especially liked Plantmans post about being a "teacher. (which actually I am).

... to paraphrase: Every year we see new students, they ask the same questions as the students last year... So my job is to repeat the same answers every year...

YUP! Teachers... (are supposed to teach).

As a mid-newbie, I still have a lot to learn, but I now do know about the library and the search function...

Teach the "young-lings" (Yoda). If this is a irritant, don't respond.

And yes, be polite, that new turner may be the best of the best in 2 years!
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