Playing with Lego blocks

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Aug 5, 2008
Albany, GA
So the other day, I was playing with my boys and their lego blocks. And I thought... hmmm, I think I can make a pen out of these. So here is the first one. I need some other blocks for the others I have rolling around in my mind. Yes I picked the ugliest blocks, to play with on purpose. Not knowing how it would respond. As it is, the cap does not want to stay closed. So I have to use screw caps from now on.

Just for the particulars. The refill is a parker, the nib is a slim that has been drilled out to use the parker refill. And yes you can change the refill.


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Very Cool!:rotfl: Did you have to wait until your boys were in bed before you stole their blocks? Are they hiding the rest of their toys?
I bought a pack of my own. In fact, just about 2 hours ago, you could have heard the following in my house. "Son, those are Daddy's legos".
This is unique. I was thinking a while back about casting some leggos out of resin in multi colors, so they were solid, and then turn them down so you could see the connections but it sounded like way too much work and I put it on a side burner for a while.
v.2 is in the works, somewhat prettier. Then it will be time to use the black and gray blocks then the red white and blue ones.
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