Pendant Tutorial in the works

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Aug 5, 2008
Albany, GA
I made a pendant this AM and took lots of pictures. I hope to have the tutorial finished by Saturday. I would like a couple of people to proof read it before I put it out there. A couple of folks who have made pendants and a couple would would like to, but have not yet. Post here if you would like to proof it. Please also tell me if you have made one yet or not.
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I have not made one of the pendants yet, have a 3-day weekend coming up soon, would enjoy proofing your tutorial if you would like. Let me know...
I have not made one, but it is on my list. I do quite a bit of technical writing, so would be willing to proof read this for you.

If you want me to proof read the Japanese part, I'll be glad to do that! :biggrin: :wink:

Seriously, I am looking forward to seeing the tutorial when it is finished.
I'd offer to do some proof reading but when I was in grade 8 they gave us standardized testing to see where we were in various subjects. I was working at a grade 11 level for math and science and at a grade 3 level for spelling. You don't want me to proof read jack s#!t (see, I even spelled that wrong). Actually, without word of a lie, I was in 3rd year college (electronics engineering) before I found out that there is a u in circuit.

I'll do you a favour and pass on this one.
I have only made one and I used a tutorial that was on line. One thing that was missing form it was a Starting size, the one I made was about 3'' which I think is just a little big.
So if you find a good starting size that would help us beginners who has not done this kind of thing. I am looking forward to yours.
PMs sent to all who replied. Thanks for your help. I think we have more than enough folks to proof it. IT would be great if you could look it over and get back to me tomorrow so if I have any changes I can get them made by Friday.
Thx again!
Hans, I know I'm a little late to the party but have had a busy day. However, I have made a few of these and would also like to proof read your tutorial.
I can turn it into a PDF if you need it. I don't care to proof read it as I do that on a daily basis, but I'll turn it into a PDF.

Thanks for the offer, but WP does that for me. That is really nice of you though.
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