Pen Displayed on Frapper's PI

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Originally posted by btboone
<br />Thanks Ron. The Frapper site is pretty cool. You can zoom in and actually see your house!

Yeah.....but so can the crooks!! It is a cool feature; but it also represents a little more loss of privacy which many of us are seriously concerned about!!
There was an interesting article in Popular Science this month. A guy essentially got a spy satellite camera and made a special stand for it and took terrestrial pictures with it. He took pictures of a city skyline with such resolution that you could zoom in on the developed picture enough to read a poster in a window in one of the buildings. Talk about big brother watching!

From the satellites Google, Terraserver, MSN, and others use, you can see individual cars in the driveways of the houses in some of the images. That's about 1 meter resolution from space at least 200 miles up! And that's the public use stuff. I'm sure the good stuff is still under wraps, and can get even better resolution.
Gee, back in the good ol' days we only had to worry about "peeping Tom's".

Can we even say peeping "Tom" or is that not politically correct these days. I know in school we are not allowed to let students refer to the bathroom as the "John", seems that it lowers the self-esteem on the boys named John in school. I have two boys this year (brothers) whose last name is "Gay". Think about the self-esteem issues of that . . .
It does not show your house, at least not in my case. Since you can only put the zip in, it shows the center of the zip. I live good 4-5 miles awy - so I am safe.....
Originally posted by btboone
<br />There are sites like this one that do locate your house though:

The photo they have for my house was from 1997 when it was still a dairy farm. Google maps satelite photos are usually a lot newer, on google my house was built but I can see the pool has not been installed yet so it is probably about a year and 1/2 old.
My house was being built in 2002 when my overhead shot was taken. I wish the shot was later so I could get accurate dimensions on the landscaping for laying out the area for a pool.
Good thing it is not really showing where my house is. where the map shows it is a place that is being bull dozed right now. whew.
the other funny thing. it shows a bunch of streets that really do exist. just not by the names they are giving them.
Google maps just shows trees where my house is now, and this part of the development has been here for over 5 years now. And the three highest zoom levels don't exist for my area. Bummer.

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