Pastor Kurt saying hello

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Feb 14, 2012
Corfu, New York
Just wanted to send a short note thanking many of you for your warm welcome here to Pen Turners - I am a newbie to pen turning and have become addicted over a very short period of time.

Over the past four years, I have dealt with chronic pain - gone through many surgeries to no avail. After getting a bit frustrated and discouraged, my wife and I determined that I needed something to take my mind off of my physical condition - so pen turning it is.

I love the creative side of it and the advice sharing that seems to go hand in hand with all turnings - hopefully soon I will load some of my pens for constructive criticism

One a personal note, I am a songwriter, worship leader and senior pastor of a small church in North Tonawanda, NY - I have three children and three granddaughters - and am married to the most wonderful best friend a man could ever want

thanks again
pastor kurt coffed
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Welcome from another Pastor/song writer. I also lived in the horse heads area when I was younger. Small world! Sorry about your pain. In my denomination we call them decons :wink:
Hello Pastor; I've been watching your generosity on FP penturners. You'll see many of the same faces here. Welcome!

Penturning does take one's mind from other things of which there are too many to mention!
Welcome. If the casue of your pain is a heavy wallet you will be cured in no time..... Lots of good info and some of the best and most creative penturners (IMHO) in the world are here.
Welcome Kurt, from far west Kentucky, to the addiction, sometimes referred to as the vortex. Be sure to give the library a good bit of time. The link is at the top of the page. You will find an article called Library Index. This covers tutorials on about anything pen making you can think of. You will also notice that there are articles listed by year. Much good info there as well. When these fail to answer your questions, by all means post it here. I have never seen one go unanswered very long. You might also want to give this thread a good look. It has some very good info for the beginning pen turner; Grab some wood, make some shavings and have fun all the while being safe.
Have a look at the series of videos ed4copies has just posted showing how to complete a pen from drill to finish.

Pastor, I thought ministers were trained to avoid addictions. You should know by now that pen making is very addictive. Welcome to the wonderful forum where people feed your addiction.
Hey Kurt from former worship leader! If you need any blanks, just let me know! Have fun and let's see some pic's!!
Good evening Pastor Kurt!! Nice to see that you made it to IAP!! This is an awesome group just as the group on FB. I bet I know who sent you here. LOL. I should be getting my corian 2morrow, so I will be watching the mail!! Thanks once again for all your generosity.
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