Parts for cartrige pens

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for someone who has been a member for so many years, you would think that at some point in time you would know the answer to that question. But as Lin said, can you be more descriptive
For the casings and bullets, any outdoor supplier. The transmissions, clips and caps I get from Others may be able to supply you with the appropriate parts as well.
for someone who has been a member for so many years, you would think that at some point in time you would know the answer to that question. But as Lin said, can you be more descriptive

I've "been here" for three years, but have only become active in the past few weeks. I registered and almost immediately disappeared because I wasn't able to turn pens and had no clue when I would be able to start.
There is plenty of info to gleen while waiting to turn!!! In fact if more people took the time to go through all our articals before turning there may be fewer mistakes....But Im guilty as well ....lathe works blow up blank why I did that.
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