Pardon me while I rant

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We, like many folks were catching up on laundry this past weekend.
At bedtime Sunday night, Wifey comes up with some folded laundry, puts my Tee shirts in the drawer and says: " I sorted your tee shirts Honey!" which I immediately replied: "Thanks Sweetie!".......
....few moments later, I was laughing and said I might put this on Cody's IAP post!!! We both had a good laugh before turning in! :)

(I didn't even know they needed sorting!) :biggrin:
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We, like many folks were catching up on laundry this past weekend.
At bedtime Sunday night, Wifey comes up with some folded laundry, puts my Tee shirts in the drawer and says: " I sorted your tee shirts Honey!" which I immediately replied: "Thanks Sweetie!".......
....few moments later, I was laughing and said I might put this on Cody's IAP post!!! We both had a good laugh before turning in! :)

(I didn't even know they needed sorting!) :biggrin:

Lida does lots of things for me that I did not know needed doing. I sometimes get into trouble for not noticing the things that she has done. I guess that I might be a little like this guy:
I thought of one my wife likes to do, once I figure out where the salt is in the kitchen she moves it (yes high BP here). Once I figure out where the cookies are, she moves them. Once I figure out where the chips are, she moves them. (Notice a pattern?)

And then get this, "Ed, I am not buying ______ any more because we open them and then they go stale." LOL
Ask her if she wants to take a road trip. My shop could use a cleaning and I could care less how and where things were put as long as that you could actually walk in there again. :):)

I read these and lets face it you do not even know where you put your stuff. There is no rhyme or reason where you put things. That is why we spend so much time looking for things when we do need them. You all are kidding yourself and trying to make us believe it. Now go look where you put that set of calipers and try finding them:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I swear I spend half my life looking for something I had in my hand two minutes ago.
Ask her if she wants to take a road trip. My shop could use a cleaning and I could care less how and where things were put as long as that you could actually walk in there again. :):)

I read these and lets face it you do not even know where you put your stuff. There is no rhyme or reason where you put things. That is why we spend so much time looking for things when we do need them. You all are kidding yourself and trying to make us believe it. Now go look where you put that set of calipers and try finding them:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I swear I spend half my life looking for something I had in my hand two minutes ago.

I have a specific place for most of my tools and try - that's a key word - to always put them back when done with them - otherwise I spend way too much time looking for where I might have laid them down...
My husband and I share the workshop. He does cabinet work and general carpentry, I do turning. His spinal stenosis has severely limited his work in the shop for the last year or two. He leaves my turning area alone, except that he will vacuum up sawdust for me. I leave his workbench alone, except that I use it as a staging area when cutting things on the bandsaw.

It works for us.
My wife is a quilter, I am a woodworker. My shop is out back behind the garage - built it just for me in 2006. Her quilt room is through a door off the master bedroom - built it just for her in 2012. We never clean each other's workshops because we're never in there long enough to mess things up. Now the rest of the house ... if I can't find something, I look in the stereo cabinet or the hutch because that's where she "puts up" everything she can't find a place for.
Gave my wife her own tools and try to get her to stay out of mine, that helps as long as she is closer to her tools than mine when she wants something. She has never tried to clean my shop but.... she also never puts a tool that she "borrows" back where she found it and frequently not even back in the shop. She also can't seem to learn what tools are "not" for so she frequently uses the wrong tool for the job.

But after 54 years, I'm used to it.
I just thought of something, we are "venting" about our wives (excluding Sharon), but hmmmmm what would they vent about us???
I just thought of something, we are "venting" about our wives (excluding Sharon), but hmmmmm what would they vent about us???

Is that a question that we really want to know the answer too? And should it even be asked? Explosive territory right there!!!:eek::eek::eek::rolleyes:
My wife typically leaves my shop alone but my dad and I actually share a shop! He built a really nice three bay Morton Building and one bay is dedicated to woodworking tools. Over the years I am the one to introduce my dad to woodworking and now wood turning (kind of cool being the son teaching the parent instead of the other way around)!

Well, my mom decided the shop was a mess and took it upon herself to "clean up" For the most part, the tools were placed in the correct spots but she mistook pen blanks for scraps and all of our scrap bin we use for knick knack projects and the blanks ended up in a garbage bag at the local landfill! Since that time, she will come into the shop to see what we are working on but will NOT touch anything!

One other time, I had bought a really pretty piece of curly maple that I was going to turn into a diploma frame and a frame to show off my Professional Engineer License Certificate and went into the shop to start on it to find the board missing. Instead, I found two PAINTED baby doll cribs my dad had made for a friend's daughters with scraps of unpainted curly maple around the cribs. I was so sick to my stomach seeing curly maple painted like that.

We now have a spot in the shop away from the other boards where special pieces of lumber are stored so that it doesn't happen again!
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