Painting tubes

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Testor's model paint with an acid brush or fingernail polish both work great for the inside of the blank. Some use spray paint but it is too thin for me.
Don Ward mentioned RustOLeum Painter's Choice primers (spray) and I just tried them. They work great, much better than the thin enamel spray Curtis is referring to. I've used that too, and did not like the results.

will ca react with nail varnish, i have one of Curtis's cactus blanks that i'm working on soon, should i paint the tube and the inside of the blank
ABSOLUTELY paint the inside of the BLANK, not just the tubes. With a clear blank, you will see any voids in your glue if you only paint the tubes. If you are picky like me, these voids will bug the heck out of you. You will want to get good coverage too. Remember, when the blank is turned round, it acts like a magnifying glass and will make any imperfections in your paint or voids in your glue stick out.
If you're painting tubes, Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy works awesome. This is basically what they use for the "prepainted" tubes you buy from Woodcraft or whatever. Only problem is, they only have black, white, and almond. Comes in a spray can and holds up well against glue and scratching. This is a different product than what Dale mentioned above. The only thing is, the stuff takes a day to dry.
I use a spray appliance paint from
Lowes I paint both inside the blank and the tube also tint the epoxy. Let the blank and tubes set overnight then put into a toaster oven @ 200 degrees for and hour. I do this for cactus but with most acrylics I just paint both and tint the epoxy no need for baking.
I tint the epoxy with PR dye, apply to the inside of the blank and the outside of the tube, any good acrylic paint will work, it just takes a few drops.
I like to use jumbo pipe cleaners and acrylic paint. I dip the pipe cleaner directly in the paint bottle and twirl it inside the blank from each end. When done I cut off the end of the pipe cleaner directly into the trash can. If I put a good coat inside the blank I do not find much need to paint the brass tube.
I also powder coat the tubes and then use a small amount of the powder coat powder with 5 min. epoxy. Works well for me.
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