Painted Provo Pen

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Nov 24, 2005
Albuquerque, NM, USA.

I had made a promise to someone special that I wouldn't post a picture of the pen I submitted for the Provo gallery but since its over I would like to show it now. The wood is Paela I got from Dario (thanks again Dario) I still left there saying to myself I wasn't worthy due to the unbelievable pen workmanship I saw there. I truelly look forward to trying what I learned there and then returning again next year.
Have a great day.
Janet :)
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Janet, there is no need for you to be modest about your talent.

I was indeed fortunate to see this and two other hand painted pens by Janet at Provo. She is truly an artist and someday I will be happy if I am able to purchase one of her pens.
That is a beautiful pen Janet. If you don't mind me asking, is there any special prep of the pen prior to the painting? Great Job!
Thank you everyone for your nice comments. As you can tell, it's very hard for me to just turn a pen, I have to most of the time inlay it or paint on it, unless it has fantastic figure of course. This is one of the most therapuetic things I have ever done.
Have a great evening,
Janet :)
I too saw Janet's pen in the display plus the two she was using. The pens are nice as she is. I enjoyed meeting Janet and visiting just a little. Did you ever find the pizza group? Keep the paintbrushes moving and the lathe spinning. Looking forward to your next post.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by oobak
<br />Janet,
It sure looks beautiful. I would like to hear some discription of the process as some before me have asked, how about it?

Its very simple actually just very time consuming, you turn the pen to the size you want, put a CA finish on, paint it (acrylics), then put another CA finish on.

Don, I found the pizza group and we had a fantastic dinner, I am sorry you and your wife could not make it. Next year hopefully you will be able to join us.

I think one of these days I will put together something on how I do this, I am just still perfecting it. Johnathon also does a fantastic paint job on his series I just don't know his method either.
You guys have a great day and keep turning.
Janet [;)]

I saw this pen on the site for provo and must say that you really have found a wonderful niche in penmaking. Truly one of a kind.

Very nice Janet, I love the paint work. I have three slimlines lthat I will not part with. I didn't do the paint though. keep it up.
Originally posted by Daniel
<br />Very nice Janet, I love the paint work. I have three slimlines lthat I will not part with. I didn't do the paint though. keep it up.
Hi Daniel, you and I have corresponded before about your painted pens. The person who painted it didn't put a finish on them if I remember correctly and I told you after doing my first one that a CA finish can be done without messing the painting up. Your pens were the one's that inspired me to start doing this. I am glad to know who it was that first inspired me cause I haven't been able to figure out where I first saw them [;)]
Janet :)
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