operation pen pal

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brad mason

Mar 5, 2009
north sc
did we take this over as a club project?
what do we need to prepare for this?
what are we supplying?
i have some angel heart,a little purple heart,spalted maple,assorted wood blanks,ipe,oak,ceder,cypress.

some pen & pencil sets.

i plan on doing 20 pens prior to the event.with help from wife and kids.
what else would be helpfull.

brad mason
wood turner (butcher) in training.:rolleyes:
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this was started at woodzone in columbia.

they invite the public to come in and turn a pen to be sent to
a local military minister in iraq. It has been done for the last couple of

it has started several people into the world of wood turning.

we have a lot of fun.

brad mason
Thanks Brad. I got the newsletter from them this morning. Sounds similar to the Freedom Pen Project. I wonder why they don't join that?
Operation Pen Pal
Help make wooden pens for our troops overseas.
Saturday November 7th - 9am-5pm
Sponsored by the Carolina Pen Turners Club & WoodZone
Save The Date
In these challenging times, many of us wish we could do more to support our troops. Every effort helps, and when the woodworking community comes together, great things are bound to "turn" out. Though a small effort compared to the bravery put forth everyday by our soldiers, it is our hope that this small gesture sends a clear message to our soldiers that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Please join us on Saturday, November 7th, in honor of Veteran's Day, to show your support and help us make wooden pens to send to our troops in Iraq. This is a community event and anyone can help make a pen to show their support. No woodturning or pen making experience is required. Click here to download a printable PDF flyer.
Can I make a Pen? Can I help?
Yes – anyone who is willing to try can make a wooden pen. Anyone ten years (with a parent) and up is encouraged to participate in the project. We feel it is important that the pens come from a broad section of the community and we're encouraging everyone to come out and help. We will have turning instructors on hand to assist you on the lathe in shaping and personalizing your wooden pen. We will need volunteers to assist in preparing the pen blanks for the turning process. Please contact us for details if you would like to help at 803-791-3823. Our goal
Our goal with the "Pen Pal Project" is to send at least 100 handcrafted wooden pens made by people in the local community directly to South Carolina troops stationed in Iraq. We want to unite the community in an effort to show our continued support for those serving for us and risking their lives.
What does it cost?
There is no charge. WoodZone is donating all of the pen kits, wood blanks, supplies, and shipping. We are not seeking donations other than your time and support.
When and where?
On Saturday, November 7th from 9am-5pm at: WoodZone 2263 Sunset blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169.
How will the pens get to the troops?
We will ship the pens directly to the troops in Iraq for distribution. If you have a friend or family member serving and would like to send the pen to them directly, we will provide the protective packaging at no charge.
Can I make pens at home and bring them in?
Absolutely! If you would like to donate any hand-made pens on or before the event please let us know.
Can I include a personalized note?
Yes, we will be including a special insert sheet for the soldier with information on the pen project; the type of wood used, and if you choose, you may include a note and your contact information.
Spread the word!
We need help spreading the word so please help by telling your friends about this project or post this page at your work, lunchroom, church or anywhere you think it will help.


Saturday November 7th - 9am-5pm
Store Phone: 1-803-791-3823
Operation Pen Pal
Thanks for posting flyer Brad.
I sent out email to everyone with wrong date.
It is November 7, 2009
Bruce I hope you can make it.

West Columbia, SC
Operation Pen Pal - Nov 7th - Carolina Pen Turners

Hi everyone, Brad we are co-partners with WoodZone for producing pens as free gifts to our troops in apprecaiton, and a remider of our conern and support for them.

WoodZone is providing the pen kits and pen banks as well as shipping the completed pens and cards to the troops. Carolina Penturners are providing the volunteers to prepare the blanks by cutting, drilling and glueing tubes in to have ready for youth and adults who have never used a lathe or turned a pen. We will also serve as one on one teachers to help these folks turn and finish the pens. Our goal will be 300 completed pens to send. Club members and other turners may help by picking up free kits and turning them at home and retuning the completed pens to WoodZone. We're excited to be asked to co-host this worthy project and hope we will have a good turn out for it. Please let me know it you want to help or contact our club secretary Brannon. We certainly invite all our fellow IAP penturners to join us on Saturday, November 7th form 9am till 6PM for Operation Pen Pal or make a pen send pen and send it with a note to the soldier the pen will be givien.

Pat Harris
Carolina Penturners
Thanks Karl and Sandra Mason for cutting up the 135 pen blanks and to Brannon Hammond with me for drilling them. Good work guys only a few hundred more togo and who's wants to glue the tubes in the blanks?
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181 pen turned Saturday.

made the day BIG SUCCESS we had turners from 8 to 65 (oldest i know of)
with the tragedy at fort hood Karl & Coline has decided to send some of those pens to a Chaplin at fort hood.

Operation Pen Pal Update
Pictures, Video, and Updates from this year's event. Thanks to everyone that came out and turned a pen at Operation Pen Pal this year. We exceeded our goal of 100 pens, ending the day with 186 custom made pens for the troops. Where are they going? – We plan to send the majority of the pens to US Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of the recent tragedy at Ft. Hood, we plan to send some of the pens to the soldiers and families coping with this trauma.
Pictures – You can view pictures from the event in our WoodZone Facebook page. Go ahead and add yourself as a "fan" while your there.
On TV – WLTX News 19 reporter Sidney Cumming came out to cover the event and ended up turning a pen herself. You can watch the story online here: http://www.wltx.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=80487
Got Pens? There's still time to drop off pens you made at home. We plan to send out the pens by the end of week. Drop some off - Let's break 200 pens!
Special Thanks – To all of the volunteers that came out to help the day of the event we thank you for your assistance. Special thanks to the Pen Club for all of their help as well as the cookies and snacks prepared by Sandy Mason.


A couple comments about the pens but first, someone really needs to tell those folks about safety around power tools. The image of the little girl (see above) turning on the lathe really troubles me. With her hair hanging in front of her and catching on the blank - OUCH...

Something to keep in mind when making pens for the troops is that only the slimmer style pens will fit in their uniform pockets. The cigar and other larger style pens don't fit well into the shirt pocket. Also, click style pens are more user friendly for the troops so they can operate the pen with one hand.

Just a few tips but they may make them received better by the troops.

I wish you good luck in getting all of your pens turned and sent to the troops. It's a great idea that none of us can imagine how much it helps the individual recipient just knowing someone (and a stranger at that) is thinking about them.
The finial count is in for total pens made and contributed to Operation Pen Pal. Here is a brief message for Karl Graffe on the 210 pens produced:

We ended up sending
50 Pens to Afghanistan with Hans Wench to one of his parishioners.
40 Pens to Ft. Hood for the families and service members affected by the tragedy there.
120 Pens to Stephen Cooker in Iraq. Stephen is a WoodZone customer and pen turner who comes in the store. I told him to send me his address when he got over there. On Wednesday he e-mailed me back that he got the pens and was going to give them out over thanksgiving and try to get us pictures as well.
Best Wishes,

Submitted by.
Pat Harris. Pres.
Carolina Penturners
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