Ontario Chapter

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You've joined! Congratulations!!

I will send you a PM with an address where you can send your 1st month's initiation fees along with instructions regarding your membership fees each month.:bananen_smilies047:

Mack, I'm shocked:eek: I thought this was the "American" way of doing things, are you sure you're a Canuck?
Signed-In Members Don't See This Ad
Initiation fees. No problem.
I will forward my address as well so you guys can in turn send me my 500 multi pen kits, new Jet lathe, and my Official Ontario IAP Hat and Shirt.
Initiation fees. No problem.
I will forward my address as well so you guys can in turn send me my 500 multi pen kits, new Jet lathe, and my Official Ontario IAP Hat and Shirt.

Sorry to inform you , but your membership has been "declined".:tongue:

signed by:
"unofficial" Selectivity membership Committee Poooobahhh:biggrin:
Hi Mack,
Just discovered this chapter. Is it still active and if so how does one sign up?
I'm so sorry, Larry, but all Ontario members with a residence in a fictional place such as Harrow have been disqualified. We are hoping that George (you know who I mean) doesn't come across this post, hence we have to disqualify everyone from Harrow.

Now If you are prepared to forward to me under separate cover in 1000 words or more why we should consider you for membership in the Ontario Chapter, I will put it to a vote (it's a white ball, black ball thing) to our membership to consider whether we will accept you as an esteemed member of the Ontario Chapter.

If in fact the membership accepts you, my first order of business would be to turn over the running of this chapter to your capable hands!

I noticed most postings are old, is this group still running or is everyone gone and I am just to late, would like to meet turners in the area. Living in Wellington Ontario in Prince Edward County. Hope to hear from some people and find out about the Ontario chapter
I noticed most postings are old, is this group still running or is everyone gone and I am just to late, would like to meet turners in the area. Living in Wellington Ontario in Prince Edward County. Hope to hear from some people and find out about the Ontario chapter
Hi Robert; Send me your phone # by pm with a good time to call and I will update you and provide some background to our present existence/non-existence.
Just noticed this forum here! I'm out in Kitchener. I wouldn't mind meeting a few of you sometime as I'm still pretty new to the game and would love to learn!
Hello fellow Canucks, not sure If I posted this properly before, so I'm going to try this again. First, are their any other chapters west of the "big smoke?" I live in B.C. & only know of three other pen turners that frequent IAP who live near me. If that is not the case, then IF you guys form a chapter could it possibly be a Canadian chapter for now & that way you might be able to include turners from sea to sea to sea, & then I too could take advantage of your wisdom & expertise. What do you think? Thanx Ric.
Hello fellow Canucks, not sure If I posted this properly before, so I'm going to try this again. First, are their any other chapters west of the "big smoke?" I live in B.C. & only know of three other pen turners that frequent IAP who live near me. If that is not the case, then IF you guys form a chapter could it possibly be a Canadian chapter for now & that way you might be able to include turners from sea to sea to sea, & then I too could take advantage of your wisdom & expertise. What do you think? Thanx Ric.

Hi Ric; Check out the "Local Chapters" in the heading above that will answer many/all of yor questions.

Ontario has never been able to form a chapter for a myriad of reasons!

To form a Chapter, you need a minimum of 5 people committed to participate in at least one meeting per year. More meetings are encouraged, but each group may set its own meeting frequency.
Thanx Mack C. I already found the local chapters section & scrolled through it. I faithfully read the titles of each & every post for quite some time, then I started skipping some & hunting in chunks, then started scanning one or two per page, soon after that I think I fell asleep, I never did find any chapters in Canada. However IF you are sure there are some Canadian Chapters out there, then I will apologize & have a second look with both eyes this time. Thank you for your time & effort. Ric.
Hello again Mack C. I searched the Local Chapter section again & the only Canadian Chapters I can find is the one that you guys keep going on about. The not so successful Ontario chapter.
I have another question that I did not find an answer to. You say that the members must meet once a year if not more. Instead of physically being together, could we possibly all meet via Skype, or a conference call. that way we could have a National Chapter. Then as we draw more attention & add more members, we can then branch off into local regional chapters as volume permits.
Any thoughts????
I know a few guys here in B.C. that "might" be interested, I can try & contact them & feel them out about forming a National Chapter.....Feedback anyone?
I wouldn't exactly call Windsor "The Canadian Tropics" Geographically speaking Point Pelee is more southern than you are. If you are talking weather wise, the lower mainland of B.C. especially the Fraser Valley, is warmer than anywhere in southern Ontario in the winter, or summer for that matter, & I think we have a few more palm trees than you do. I think that is why we are called "Lotus Land", or maybe its the people that live here...Never have found out for sure.

Hi All - I am new to the Association. If there is further interest in the Ontario chapter, I would like to participate. Located on Pickering.

The problem is logistics. If you look at the member map, there are only 5 other members within an hour drive of me.Perhaps if more members used the map, we could see where some viable meetings would be.

There is no way we could do regular meetings as an Ontario chapter, but perhaps we could have some thing like sub chapters. I already travel for a couple of "almost monthly" meetings. But they are about 150-250km round trips, which is a lot of gas and a lot of driving time. I would definitely need something that is a little closer.
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