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Feb 22, 2005
I finally get a few chances to come to this site and a few others and as always I like to check out what everyone is making. I see the usual people showing their creations and they all look fine and well done. But I always like to look for that special out of the ordinary pen and these do not show up here that often any more and I am sure there are reasons that I won't go into but one pen stood out and now I can not remember where I had seen it. I swore I saw it here because it was a Pith pen given to Skiprat if I am not mistaken. It was a segmented pen with some silver metal dots incorporated in it. I do not remember who the maker was so sorry for that. But is was well deserving of a front page display as well as another look see.

Does anyone have the thread this was shown.????

Maybe it was not on this site. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
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That is the article. I think that is one of the coolest pens I have seen here in awhile that was beyond the norm here. Good to see it again and hope it does make the front page. It is worthy. Job well done.

That is the article. I think that is one of the coolest pens I have seen here in awhile that was beyond the norm here. Good to see it again and hope it does make the front page. It is worthy. Job well done.

Have you seen the PITH pen that looks like a wooden screw?

Thats one that stands out to me. (Not to take away from Skiprats wonderful work).

That is the article. I think that is one of the coolest pens I have seen here in awhile that was beyond the norm here. Good to see it again and hope it does make the front page. It is worthy. Job well done.

Have you seen the PITH pen that looks like a wooden screw?

Thats one that stands out to me. (Not to take away from Skiprats wonderful work).

I did not see those and I hope the pens are shown by themselves somewhere here. Maybe we need a seperate forum for pens that are a step above the norm. Don't get me wrong but I get bored with seeing the same old thing here over and over. Different woods on the same kits or different acrylics on the same kits.

People who make their own blanks and I am not talking taking some color and adding to a resin. Jeff does great work and so do others that create the watch blanks and also the laser blanks. Creating segmented blanks and other theme blanks is cool to look at. Thats what gets my juices going. Get creative and take this pen making game to a new level.

I know I will probably get PMs about how people are afraid to show their creations so I guess that is why I got a little excited about seeing some new stuff.

Thanks again for the link and when I get some time I will go through them all.
........ Maybe we need a seperate forum for pens that are a step above the norm......

Wouldn't that be the Advanced Pen Making section? Or do you mean advanced SOYP?

Here are the other two just mentioned.




Thanks for the links. They too are a step above the norm and well done. That is some thinking outside the box and is always good to see. Love to see more of these things.

As far as the other forum thing I was just thinking out loud. The Advanced pen making forum should be used to discuss the construction and or problems that arise when making pens that are kitless and also beyond your everyday kit pens. Not necessarely a place to show off your pens. Probably my idea is not needed and just showing your creation in the SOYP section is all that is needed.

Hope to see more of these type pens. I feel there are some very talented designers here.
I think SOYP is fine for all levels and types of pens. I kind of like the "level playing field" aspect - a new turner's first pen is as worthy of a look as the latest masterpiece from an old hand. It's inclusive rather than exclusive, and I think inclusiveness is the number one awesome attribute of the IAP.

Here's a hint: as you browse SOYP, look for the posts with a lot of replies. It's not a 100% accurate predictor, but generally, you'll find those to be the more unusual pens.
I think SOYP is fine for all levels and types of pens. I kind of like the "level playing field" aspect - a new turner's first pen is as worthy of a look as the latest masterpiece from an old hand. It's inclusive rather than exclusive, and I think inclusiveness is the number one awesome attribute of the IAP.

Not only that, but imagine having to judge the pens! You would have to have a judge panel to do that, because who decides if the pen belongs there or not? You might just modify a Jr Gent finial and make it closed end and call that advanced, but is it advanced, and if it is, is it advanced enough? Where does the line start? People would go crazy and lots would get offended, it wouldn't be pretty.
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