Oil dust filter

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Aug 7, 2009
Fayetteville, NC
Years ago my dad and I rebuilt an old car. Instead of a cotton fiber type air filter, it has a metal mesh type filter and a layer of oil in the bottom. Any dirt/dust in the air is trapped by the oil.
Would it be too messy to make a filter like this for a dust collector?
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Jeremy I like your idea. My old Ford tractor has that kind of a filter. But I think the concenration of sawdust would over come the oil pretty quickly and you would have to change it often (messy--plus finding a disposal place) but it still might be worth a try if you build a pre-separator with the Thein baffle.
Yeah, it should definitely be the last stage of filtration. On the disposal note, I wonder if oil will burn better with sawdust mixed in with it!!!
Especially if you use a Babington Burner to heat the shop with. It uses expired oil anyway the sawdust may make it perform better!!! Good idea!
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