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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
On December 27, 2004, I put up the flag in the attached picture when my wife left for Kuwait. On November 20, 2005, I picked up my wife, DTCS(SCW) Nancy Cavanaugh at the Harrisburg, PA airport. It has been a long eleven months, but for me it is over. My heart goes out to Billy, Frank and others who still have loved ones in harms way. Thanks to all who gave me support during the past year. I will alway remember how much caring people helped me through.

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Glad your wife is back and safe. Thanks for your words. Our daughter is with us through the holidays. This week she informed us she is going to also enlist in the Air Force. I'm proud but have to admit I also have emotional and conflicting feelings about her decision.

Thank her for us...kiss her, hug her or both. Glad that she made it back safely. I too think of what others go through (like Billy) and that alone pains me.

Looks like you will have a good Thanksgiving. [:)]
Thank her for me and my family and we're glad she is home safe.
Now about driving an MG in Pa in the winter, let's try to keep her safe O.K.?
CONGRATULATIONS William, and thank you for posting this. At least now we'll know why you've disappeared for a few days! [:D]

Enjoy your time with her, and please thank her for us for everything she's done. I'm sure it will be an especially poignant and memorable Thanksgiving in the Cavanaugh household.
Cheers to you my friend.
Looks like you have something extra to be thankful for this year.
Congrats to the both of you [:)] Wishing you both a wonderfull & joyous Thanksgiving.
William, break it to Nancy gently, how you let everything go in the crapper while she was away [:D]
William you can't see me but I am standing at attention with a great big smile. I am sure happy the Mrs. is home. Let the Senior Chief know how thankful we are for her service. Add another reason for thanksgiving.
BTW if the Mrs is home, why the devil are you on the internet??????[}:)]
Cav, that is GREAT news!!!!! [:D][:D][:D] And thank you for remembering! March won't get here soon enough! I pray daily for all of our servicemen and women. I'm so very happy for the both of you. Give her a BIG Texas hug for me and tell her I said "Thank You, Ma'am! Thank you for serving this great nation. Thank you for helping your brothers and sisters in arms and thank you for doing what so many others are not willing." God bless you both! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! You've earned it, my friend!

BTW, Cav, I almost forgot something almost as important. Thank you, sir! Thank you for your dedication and being a supportive husband! Without which, she may not have had the strength to endure such a hardship.
I can't imagine how hard this past year must have been. But I know it was all washed away as soon as your eyes met once again. Thanks for supporting her and thanks to her for supporting and serving our country. May God grant you many more years together.
I'm glad she is home for you. We put up some yellow ribbons when neighbors, ex-students, friends from church, etc. were sent over to Iraq. Those ribbons are really getting ragged looking and my wife suggested replacing them, but I want to keep those original ones up until they all come home. Our prayers are with them all!
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