Not happy with Woodcraft Kits

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Jan 5, 2013
Chicago, IL
I tried my second kit from Woodcraft today. A Retro style pen. I'm not really happy with their kits. The first one, an artist sketch pencil, worked, but the pieces did not really fit together tight. I didn't even need my pen press for some of the parts. I could push them together by hand.

Same thing today with a retro style pen. Half of the parts I could press together by hand and pull them right back apart. Not good. Also, the mechanism didn't work so the ink cartridge would not extend out of the tip.

Last kits I'll be buying from Woodcraft that's for sure...
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Woodcraft also resells lazerlinez,dayacom and individual stores also sell pennstate.
Make sure you know who sells what before you target a supplier. The sketch pencils are made by dayacom and the retro is Berea. Just my .02 worth.
Woodcraft also makes their owns versions of popular kits, like the sierra. I tried to buy from them a while ago, but the real quality is online :D
Are you turning on a mandrel? If so, HOW TIGHT are you tightening the tail stock?

I've made quite a few Retros, and the fit was always more precise than with most sets. In fact, on Retro, the fit is SO tight I use a bullet reamer to flair the tube openings.

Here's a quick and dirty test. BEFORE MOUNTING the tubes onto blanks, CAREFULLY press fit the hardware (you can easily disassembly the hardware using a transfer punch and hammer). If the fit is tight or normal, the problem is your turning technique, NOT the hardware.

The ONLY Berea hardware set that I've EVER used that fit even a bit loosely is Triton RB/FP. Even with Trition, the fit is JUST loose enough that the clip will move a SMALL AMOUNT. In fact, after turning thousands of Berea sets and making almost every one of their pen sets, I've found the opposite to be true... BEREA sets fit almost TOO tight.

Respectfully submitted.
I am not sure if you have turned the Virage RB or FTN sets yet Andy but those seem to be looser than the Dayacom kits (Jr series) as well. I have not had any problems with the other Berea kits though. I agree with you about the Triton. I can usually get the clip to move a small amount.

It does not matter though. If a kit seems loose to you and you are sure about the fit and finish why not use a little epoxy to set the pieces in. It only takes a dab. You probably would not be able to disassemble later but again if you are sure about the fit and are careful you will not need to disassemble it.
No, Ron. I haven't made the Virage roller or fountains, nor do I intend to make them. Their front sections look entirely too much like the Broadwell Scrptre that just doesn't sell for me.

I agree about using a "glue" on ALL tubes pens. My preferance is Red Loctite instead of epoxy, simply because it seems to adhere almost as well as epoxy, but if a pen needs to be repaired or rebuilt, Loctite makes it easier to disassemble without damage.
I"ve run into a couple of kits with loose fit...Different styles and different manufacturer. It seems to me that TBC without bushings and you get things a little too tight might cause that by flairing the end of the tube. Also using a bit that is a little too big or small if you use a barrel trimmer for squaring the barrel ends.
I would take the kits back to Woodcraft. I use many kits from them and they all usually work very well. I am sure that there can always be a few in every thousand manufactured that don't meet standards, but that shouldn't condemn you every using them again.
I would take the kits back to Woodcraft. I use many kits from them and they all usually work very well. I am sure that there can always be a few in every thousand manufactured that don't meet standards, but that shouldn't condemn you every using them again.

I agree with you Cindy. I would not condemn them for that type of thing but don't bother going to the store unless it is close. Customer Service Corporate was just great to work with. I told them that the tubes were actually flattened and they just replaced the entire order. I really do think Woodcraft Corporate is good. I am not crazy about the stores though I have 2 within 2 hours of me and I won't go to them again unless I need something too expensive to ship. I don't find either of them to be helpful in the least. I have actually had one of the employees follow me around the store at a distance watching me. That was creepy. Instead of asking if I needed help he was watching me to see if I put anything in my pocket! Hello.
I've only purchased kits from WoodCraft (and a few from Exotic Blanks), and I've been overall impressed with them. One kit I purchased, their cheapest rollerball, came with parts from a fountain pen instead. The store got it taken care of, however.
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