Northern Sweden's first hand-made pen ???

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Feb 24, 2010
North of Sweden Umeå
At last!
It's been a while since I was here on the forum. I have had great trouble getting the stuff home to make pens. But today I have in all cases, made my first pen. It was a slimline pen that many people thought that I would start with. It is made of curly birch, which I think is a beautiful wood. Turning is not easy, it's almost 50 years since the last time, when I went to school at handicrafts. I must practice a lot, it's probably the first 100 are the hardest then it gets easier. :biggrin:

I promised to show a picture of my first pencil and here it is. Do not laugh, all children are in the beginning, including me. :redface:

Sincerely / Urban

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Very nice, Urban! I love the wood and I prefer the straight slimline shape as you have done. Looking forward to seeing more from you.

I think you did a very good job with the pencil. I really like your wood choice, and it looks like your lines where the nib, center band and finale meet with the wood are pretty close to being right on.

Nice job!

Rick (mtgrizzly52)
Nice job, Urban! So how far north is Umea? I used to live outside of Ostersund when I was 16 (about a hundred thousand years ago).
Looks real nice. Most start out with a wasp shape. Much harder to make a straight on like yours. Nice work. What kind of finish did you use?
Urban that is nothing to laugh at it is a very nice looking pen, the wood selection is very good and the work looks fine, I don't know what finish was used but the over all quality of the pen is very good.
Looks good from here. Slimlines in my opinion are harder than most if done in the staight lines (that I prefer) Good job.
Wonderful job! I like the wood choice and really like the shape. I have been having difficulty with slims lately for some reason. Well done!
Wow, you are too nice, I am almost embarrassed.

Finnisch I know nothing about at all, in this pen I only have something called Danish oil. I use it on the shaft when I make a knife, which is another hobby. They are almost none in the whole of Sweden as a turning pens and therefore can not tell me what to buy for a nice finish on pens. You can not buy what is needed, either. Everything must buy from the U.S. or England so it is not easy, especially not when you are poor in the language and technical terms. But I learn with time, I hope :redface:

Sincerely / Urban

Nice job, Urban! So how far north is Umea? I used to live outside of Ostersund when I was 16 (about a hundred thousand years ago).

Hello dgscott
Umeå is not much more north than Östersund, but Umeå is situated on the coast (the white arrow) Östersund is located up in the mountains towards Norway at the red arrow.

Sincerely / Urban

You did a great job, I wish my first pen had turned out as well. What equipment do you use? I would very much like to find a E.A. Berg turning gouge. I have some Berg chisels and consider them to be the best. Keep up the good work

I never got that far west, unfortunately. By the way, your English is WAAAAY better than my Swedish! I think the entire time I was there, my language skills were restricted to "Where's the men's room?" and "May I marry your daughter?" I figured that would get me through any critical situation!. I can still sing the National Anthem, tho!

I have to admit that even 50 years later (can it really be that long?), I still hanker after Messmor on kneckebrod, and Marabou milk chocolate. Oh! And fruit soup!

Hello again all pen turner.

It feels a bit safer now at the lathe and I have now done two more pens.

Slimline model seems to go pretty good for me to do but the Cigar-model I dare not try it yet.

Now I want you to come up with criticism of my pens or else do I learn nothing.

Here are pictures of the last two pens.

Sincerely / Urban


You are doing GREAT. I like the Jakaranda better. The lines on the Retted Rowan add a nice touch. I do not care for the 'fatter' pens such as you have done with the Rowan. For Slim lines I like the straighter basic look. Overall, the pens look great and your photos show the pens very nicely.
I like the Jakaranda. one thing i see is that it looks like you bowed the cap a little. I have done that myself and you will learn like a did. Other than that they look great.
I like the Jakaranda. one thing i see is that it looks like you bowed the cap a little. I have done that myself and you will learn like a did. Other than that they look great.

Hello jimofsanston

Thanks for your opinions, and your eyes look right. The parts are deliberately bent a little but they will apparently not be on a slimline model. :confused:

I'm trying to teach me so be patient, please. :redface:

Sincerely / Urban
Very nice slimline pen Urban. Love the wood. The most experience craftsmen come from Sweden. Just a little WD40 will loosen up those gears.
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Hello, johnspensandmore

On "Show Off Your Pen" I have put up more pens, or you can go into my profile "umeubbe" and look at the threads that I started. It is moving forward like some of the pros say. :biggrin: Welcome to criticism it is the learning-by.

/ Urban
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