Newbie needs advice...

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May 17, 2008
Pineville, NC, USA.

I'm a Newbie wanna be. That is I'm getting myself involved in this great hobby very soon. I'm enrolled in an upcoming pen turning class and I've viewed many online "How to do it" videos.

Here is my question. I'll be buying a lathe soon and I'm a little confused because of all the model selections available. I've pretty much narrowed it down to a Jet mini lathe or perhaps a Turncrafter. Although the Jet is generally selling for about $100 more than the Turncrafter with similar features, both are in my price range. Are any of you familiar with these models? Also, should I consider a model with variable speed? Does it really matter that much?

I appreciate your advice.

Thanks, Don
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Get the Variable speed, sure makes life easier on yourself. You will want the low rpm's when you sand and finish your pens.

Welcome to IAP :)
I agree, Get variable speed. May not seem like much when you haven't started and you may not miss it if you don't know it. But when you do use it, it sure makes a difference in changing belts. In past questions on this subject of VS versus NON VS, It seems to me that 9 out of 10 would not go back to non-vs.

I recently had a trip to the States and bought the $100 PSI variable speed motor and switch from PSI. I airmailed it back to Japan and put it on my Rikon after I returned. It saves me CONSIDERABLE belt changing and I like that! I switch speeds 3 or 4 times per blank at the flick of the knob. I would NOT enjoy going back to changing belts. Before this, I was changing belts about once or twice per blank. Now I switch the speed as needed with the knob and do it more so than when I did not have VS.
Don, I started without the variable speed, and when I got the variable spped, it really made a HUGE difference. It is well worth the extra cost and you will be glad you did in the long run. I have the Jet min VS, and am very pleased.
Just my 2 cents worth :D.
Welcome aboard. I too am a newbie, but I gotta agree with the other guys, get the variable speed. I frequently find myself wishing my Record Power DML 24 had it.
Welcome... I'll chime in with a slightly different position..
I run a Jet mini non-VS.. don't really have a problem changing belts when I need to.. if I had my druthers, would probably get the VS, but since mine was a gift and now that I'm on a fixed income, not likely that I'll change it.
That said, when I had an opportunity to upgrade my big lathe, I opted for a Jet 1442 with a Reeves pully system to vary the speeds...
Don, Welcome to the forum, you will find TONS of great stuff here to get you going. As to your question, no doubt in my mind, I have the Non-VS Jet, and every time I turn it on, I wish I had the VS...[:p]

Good luck
Welcome to the zen of pen turning. I have a Rikon lathe that I really like. It is not difficult to change speeds, but I think that a VS would make finishing much easier.
Hi Guys 'n Gals,

I appreciate your feed back. Obviously, a variable speed lathe is the way to go. I'm looking forward to chatting with you in the future!

Don :)
You will never regret the extra money spent getting the VS. You would probably regret not spending the extra if you don't.[B)]

When considering the Jet vs. the Turncrafter, it's seems that the number of turners with the Jet far exceeds the number of turners with the Turncrafter.

Having said that, I haven't really noticed those who do own the Turncrafter, expressing regret about owning it.

I own the Jet non-vs and regret not paying the money.
The only bad thing about both VS's is it doesn't eliminate belt changes, just reduces them. I wish someone would come out with a full VS midi (although I've upgraded to a fullsize already).

If you have the floorspace, A full size with reeves drive is better than either Midi desings in my opinion. The length isn't that much different and you can technically mount it on a bench if you want, but they usually come with nice cast legs. Cost wise, used you might find a JEt for $400ish, New Grizzly has one at about $500.

The new Jet JWL-1220VS: 12" X 20" Variable Speed is listed as continuously variable.

I have the PSI VS motor and switch on my Rikon. I was curious if I would have to change belt speeds, but found out that I do not. I can get what I estimate to be about 400-500 for low end and 1800-2000 for top end without any changing of the belt. It does not give me full range of 200 to 3000+ but it does a great job for pens within the ranges that I like.
Go to amazon check out the turncrafter vs there I dont think you will find it cheaper anywhere else. I have the turncrafter pro vs I love it no problem i have been turning on it for about four months now.
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