New knee

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May 5, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
Finally took the step and had total left knee replacement surgery this AM. The doc told my wife that my bone on bone joint was nearly out of bone. Staying the night in the hospital and going home tomorrow. When the therapist came, was able to walk over 400 ft with a walker. Got to admit I was kind of woozy when I got back to my room. Short term goals are to totally get off the pain meds by two weeks so I can drive and get back to the shop. This may be a first...I actually called the hospital kitchen and told them that the pot roast I had for dinner was delicious, which it was.
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Doctors here are making noises about two knee replacements. I haven't pulled the trigger yet because they tell me I won't be able to work again at my trade. 99% of the time I am on my knees at some point on any job. Replacements will not allow me to do this. Funny as when we are young we don't think of that and now that I am old, can't help but think of that.
Back is giving me trouble also. Looking at a lift from Northern Tool to help. Wish I had thought of this 30 years ago,
Funny as how in my 30's.......200 lbs. wasn't that much. Now in my 60's, I groan just thinking about it.
I had my left knee replaced in March 2016. I blew the knee out playing football in high school over 50 years ago and had 3 previous surgeries on the knee. The surgery was fine but the recovery takes time and patience. Keep ahead of the pain and you will heal quicker. Don't be fooled by the walk today, you still have a lot of pain meds in your system. Go to all of your Physical Terrorist appointments.

Good luck!
Hey Burlman,
Welcome to the titanium club. I had my right knee replaced last June and my left knee last October. My only regret is the doc says I have to give up running. When I had my first one done, I was so fed up with being bed bound, I went out and mowed the lawn. I figured pushing a lawn mower had to be just like hanging onto a walker. Big mistake. Foot, Knee and leg swelled up like a watermelon. Learned my lesson. Anyway good luck with your recovery. Make sure you do your exercises.

I worked electrical construction for 35 years. Up & down concrete stairs all day, every day, day after day. I wore out my knees about 10 years ago.
My wife calls them "Rice Krispie Knees" because they snap, crackle, and pop.

My Dr. says I need replacement joints. I told him when I can't crawl, I'll come see him. Until then, you ain't cutting on me.:frown:

I hope you heal up soon, my friend. :)
John, so pleased that all has gone well with your Knee Replacement.
Don't try to be a Hero, use the Pain Med's as prescribed.
I had my Knee Replaced just over 12 months ago.
In Australia, they had me up walking, with a Physio and a Frame, the day after Surgery. On day 4 they Discharged me from the Hospital and sent me to a Rehabilitation Facility as prearranged.
I spent two weeks in the Rehabilitation Facility.
They have Specialist Rehabilitation Physicians, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and specialized equipment for Movement, Mobility, and Exercise for Strength, Movement and balance.
They have specific performance criteria, that you have to achieve, before they will discharge you.
Then they also offer a Day Patient Program, they have a Patient Transport to collect and return you to your home, if you have no one to drive you.
While you are an In Patient, they take care of your Pain Management, so that you can do the necessary exercises, then once you are discharged and a Day Patient, your Family Doctor looks after your Pain Management.
I mentioned earlier not to be a Hero, as you will make fast, and sustained progress, under the effects of the Pain Management, whereas without it, the pain and discomfort will naturally inhibit and perhaps prolong your recovery.

For me 12 month on, I am still getting some slight discomfort / pain, and I do not have full movement.
But I do have a Stable Knee, that I can walk without assistance, or aids, I can spend most of the day, standing in front of my Lathe, so I am doing very well.
I would recommend that you see about undertaking a Rehabilitation Program, if one is reasonably available.
Kind regards and keep well,
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Hope your recovery goes quickly! My SIL had knee replacement last year. Therapy was the worst part, she said. She still walks with a limp but told that is a conditioned reflex of walking on a bad knee for so many years. I'm facing this eventually. Had a friend who had both knees replaced at the same time! He's doing well.
Running???? I agree with my father- I can't see running unless there is someone chasing me.
Good luck with your recovery. Work with your therapist, strive to get that new knee to bend to that impossible degree he demands. Walking will happen rather quick, stairs will be the last to master. Keep us posted.

You can do it Wayne. Replaced left knee about 20 years ago and the right about 15 years ago. Always refused therapy and really did not need it. Just started walking. They are still working although at 79 I do use a cane because of Diabetic neuropathy. They should last me until I expire. :)
Hey John,
I've seen you most weekends all summer last year and didn't know you were having trouble with your knees... glad everything is going well for you. As was said, make your therapy appointments... they really do help.

My sister had one knee done last year and the other is scheduled for later this spring... she stayed at a nursing/therapy center to recover as she lives alone and did recover well. She hated the center, but was smart of her to do it....

My wife had a full hip replacement in 2009... worked out well for her.

Heal well.
Knee update: it is now eleven days out, and I have been off the pain meds for two days now, with no ill effects. I'm still having trouble getting comfortable at night for sleeping. I am walking unassisted,albeit with a pronounced limp for now. PT is going well and I am regularly doing my home exercises. I was able to drive our car down to the inspection station to have its emissions tested, with no problems. Two funny stories about PT. During my first session the therapist was checking my range of motion, seeing how close she could get my heel to my buttock. I quipped, "Is that all you got?" She had me screaming "uncle!!!" in about half a second. A couple of sessions later she put me on the reclining bicycle for the first time, put a heat wrap around my thigh, and told me to go forwards and backwards, and that my knee would eventually loosen up and I would be able to go all the way around. She then went to her office to do some work. After about three minutes my knee did loosen up, and without me trying I did do a complete Revolution with the pedals. I was so surprised, I yelled out "S———!" She looked at me througn the window of her office and started laughing. She knew exactly what happened.
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