New from Georgia

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Mar 14, 2008
Athens, GA, USA.
I've been turning pens now only about two weeks and somewhat overwhelmed by the info I've found on this site! I'm gonna need a bigger brain. :(
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Greetings fellow Georgian. Welcome to the Forum. You will definitely learn several lifetimes worth of knowledge from the fine folks here at the IAP.

BTW, I live in Tucker just a bit away from Stone Mountain. :)
G'day Bill and welcome to the forum.Can be abit daunting readin g everything at once. Just select a topic at atime as you run into problems or areas you wish to improve and go from there.:):):D
Welcome from Pine Island, Texas. And, don't forget that a large part of the early Texans came here from Georgia after the civil war including some of my people. Hey, we may be 30th or 40th cousins or something. Lots of luck with pens.

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