New Ethics Admendment to the By-laws

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Jan 1, 2004
Pittsburg, Kansas, USA.
I believe that you are putting the cart before the horse. We need to get this thing up and running before we start turning over rocks or slapping at hornets nest. Until we really get started we will not know what sort of problems we might have. Then you may have a point, although as an opimist I hope not.

Gary Max

Oct 30, 2004
Southern Kentucky
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Santa may be watching to see if you have been good or bad.
So for goodness sake Smile and be Happy


Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Drew - Good idea! I don't know if we need an amendment, but a "code of ethics" or an ethics policy is certainly a good thing. Perhaps you might add "Not an amendment, but a code of ethics" to the choices on your poll.

As an aside, when you create a poll, change the "Who Votes" from "Everyone" to "Members Only". That eliminates anonymous votes from non-members, and multiple votes from members (intentional or accidental).

Old Griz

Passed Away Oct 4, 2013
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Mar 17, 2004
Hagerstown, MD, USA.
I agree with Jeff on this... a code of ethics or ethics policy is a very good thing.... but I don't necessarily think it needs to be an amendment...
Just about every organization that I have belonged to has some kind of ethics policy... we even wrote one into the bylaws of our new woodturning club... it reality it is more of a reminder to the membership on how they should conduct themselves in regards to the organization and representing the organization. Fortunately I have never seen a member severely chastised for a breach of the ethics policy, but I do know that it has happened in some organization, especially where a member decided they are going to "make a buck" by using the organization name.
In the long run, especially with an organization the size of ours, we are better off having one than not... Better safe than sorry. I am not saying that a member of this group would do anything that would breach the ethics policy, but stupid things do happen...


Local Chapter Leader
Aug 21, 2004
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA.
Code of Ethics sounds like a good addition to the IAP (and/or any club)...but as an International would those rules be inforced..?


Gregory Huey

Jan 2, 2004
Fallston, Maryland, USA.
I for one wood like to see what you are going to impose for a code of ethics before I wood vote. Is it possible that we should get up and running before we start adding amendments. Just my $2.98


Dec 12, 2003
Blackfoot Idaho
I think what Drew is proposing is that we start working on an ammendment to the By-Laws that would impose a code of ethics on all the members of the IAP. If I have this right, then I applaud his action! I think a code of ethics is an appropriate thing for a group like ours! It essentially says "This is what we are, and these are the standards we expect you to uphold". And we do have standards, although I have been slow to apply them, in fear I might offend someone. But I realize now that to fail to enforce your standards is worse than not having standards at all. So yes, I am interested in the establishment of a code of ethics for the IAP.



Mar 17, 2004
Wausau, WI, USA.
I think that adopting some form of ethical code would benefit this organization. I think it would add a sense of respectability to this group.


Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
In Memoriam
Aug 22, 2004
It's such a shame that we have to grow up.

All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school.

These are the things I learned:
*Share everything.
*Play fair.
*Don't hit people.
*Put things back where you found them.
*Clean up your own mess.
*Don't take things that aren't yours.
*Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
*Wash your hands before you eat.
*Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
*Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
*Take a nap every afternoon.
*When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
*Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
*Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
*And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.

Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living.

Take any one of those items and extrapolate it into sophisticated adult terms and apply it to your family life or your work or government or your world and it holds true and clear and firm. Think what a better world it would be if we all - the whole world - had cookies and milk at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and then lay down with our blankies for a nap. Or if all governments had as a basic policy to always put things back where they found them and to clean up their own mess.

And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.

[Source: "ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN" by Robert Fulghum. See his web site at ]


Passed Away 2011
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Feb 10, 2004
Post Falls, Idaho.
There are a couple things that have been bothering me about all of this.

Besides the question of Whose Rules, I am waiting to see the proposals for enforcing those "Rules". Is somebody coming to my house if I say something wrong? Will I receive a nasty letter or e-mail? Will I be forbidden access to the forums? Will I be purged from the membership list?

All of this discussion is going in the direction of a group that I don't want to be associating with. It may be a fact of life that some people need "Rules" to govern their behavior. Should these "Rules" become a reality, it will be "their" behavior that is controlled, not mine. I will avoid any organization that doesn't have enough trust that they have to write "Rules" to determine my behavior. Fortunately, I declined the invitation to run for office, because I would be considering resignation right now.

Sorry folks, but that is the way I see it. For the future of the IAP, I hope there are not too many others who feel the same way.


Thanks Russ.
There you have it.
From someone with more credibility than I.


Jan 1, 2004
Fairview, TN, USA.
As Russ stated "....Is somebody coming to my house if I say something wrong? Will I receive a nasty letter or e-mail? Will I be forbidden access to the forums? Will I be purged from the membership list?"

There is no way to police and enforce a standard on a virtual group. Anyone can rejoin the group under another name and anyone can say they are a member of the group at anytime. It is a noble idea but that is all. We can ask members to abide by a set of ethics but only ask them and if they don't the moderators can remove their unwelcome posts. But we have no way of enforcing any unethical actions they engage in while out in the public. Only time will root out those that are unethical and the members will learn who they are and avoid them. I wish we had other options but I can not think of any.


Originally posted by whatwoodido
<br />So if an board member were to do something unethical that led to the IAP being liable all of you that are against a code of ethics are willing to pony up your own money (along with the rest of the members money) for the settlement because no action was taken to clearly state that the IAP has a code of ethics that were violated?

First of all Drew, lets think about this a little. Look at my name. Mudder. Do you think that it would be easy to trace me? If the IAP is a corporation then the only ones who would be liable would be the members of the board. If it is not a corporation then there is not much that could be done in the way of monitary compensation for any liability of a member, no matter if they are on the board or not.

Please guys, Why don't we all take a step back and do a little research on this.


Sep 10, 2004
Texas, USA.
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />
Originally posted by whatwoodido
<br />So if an board member were to do something unethical that led to the IAP being liable all of you that are against a code of ethics are willing to pony up your own money (along with the rest of the members money) for the settlement because no action was taken to clearly state that the IAP has a code of ethics that were violated?

First of all Drew, lets think about this a little. Look at my name. Mudder. Do you think that it would be easy to trace me? If the IAP is a corporation then the only ones who would be liable would be the members of the board. If it is not a corporation then there is not much that could be done in the way of monitary compensation for any liability of a member, no matter if they are on the board or not.

Please guys, Why don't we all take a step back and do a little research on this. would be VERY Easy to trace you...It's called and ISP number.[}:)]


Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
In Memoriam
Aug 22, 2004
Drew...It appears you have five members now. Please follow the guidelines detailed below and taken directly from our by-laws such that we can consider your amendment.

Amendments to the bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors, by any
standing committee, or by a petition agreed upon by five or more members of the
Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be approved for consideration by a
majority of the Board of Directors. This review is for the purpose of assuring that the
wording, format and context of the proposal will be compatible with the bylaws, and
is not for review of intent or appropriateness. Written notice of the text of the
amendment shall be provided to members at least two weeks prior to voting by
posting on the Association website.
Amendments to the bylaws shall be approved by a two-thirds plus one count of the
votes cast by those members of the Association choosing to vote. The voting period
shall be no less than seven days, and no more than fourteen days, and will be set by
the Board of Directors prior to the commencement of the vote.
The results of the voting on an amendment shall be tabulated by the Board of
Directors, and certified to the membership of the Association within seven days of
the close of the voting period. The new amendment becomes effective as soon as it
has been certified to the membership as described above.

Louis E. Metcalf,III, President
International Association of Penturners


Originally posted by Gary
<br />
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />
Originally posted by whatwoodido
<br />So if an board member were to do something unethical that led to the IAP being liable all of you that are against a code of ethics are willing to pony up your own money (along with the rest of the members money) for the settlement because no action was taken to clearly state that the IAP has a code of ethics that were violated?

First of all Drew, lets think about this a little. Look at my name. Mudder. Do you think that it would be easy to trace me? If the IAP is a corporation then the only ones who would be liable would be the members of the board. If it is not a corporation then there is not much that could be done in the way of monitary compensation for any liability of a member, no matter if they are on the board or not.

Please guys, Why don't we all take a step back and do a little research on this. would be VERY Easy to trace you...It's called and ISP number.[}:)]

Okay trace me.

If it is so easy to do howcome there is still so much file sharing and trading of music still happening? Didn't Napster get shut down?
You would need a court order to do so and you would face the lawyers of many different ISP's. The recording industry of america tried this and it cost them millions. The point I am trying to make is that it would be not worth the hassle to try to search down and track every member.

And Gary,

How do you know that I am not surfing behind an anonymous proxy server? I could possibly be on a Linux machine using IP spoofing. Maybe I am a script kiddie using a machine that I have implanted a trojan on and I can change machines and IP addresses at will. All I am asking is for everyone to take a step back and think about it. Is that too much to ask?


Sep 10, 2004
Texas, USA.
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />
Originally posted by Gary
<br />
Originally posted by Mudder
<br />
Originally posted by whatwoodido
<br />So if an board member were to do something unethical that led to the IAP being liable all of you that are against a code of ethics are willing to pony up your own money (along with the rest of the members money) for the settlement because no action was taken to clearly state that the IAP has a code of ethics that were violated?

First of all Drew, lets think about this a little. Look at my name. Mudder. Do you think that it would be easy to trace me? If the IAP is a corporation then the only ones who would be liable would be the members of the board. If it is not a corporation then there is not much that could be done in the way of monitary compensation for any liability of a member, no matter if they are on the board or not.

Please guys, Why don't we all take a step back and do a little research on this. would be VERY Easy to trace you...It's called and ISP number.[}:)]

okay trace me.

You would need a court order to do so and you would face the lawyers of many different ISP's. The point I am trying to make is that it would be not worth the hassle to try to search down and track every member.

And Gary,

How do you know that I am not surfing behind an anonymous proxy server? I could possibly be on a Linux machine using IP spoofing. Maybe I am a script kiddie using a machine that I have implanted a trojan on and I can change machines and IP addresses at will. All I am asking is for everyone to take a step back and think about it. Is that too much to ask?

Too much to ask? Not for me's you and Drew that seem to be having a snit. I'm not worried about it. Have a nice evening.


Mar 17, 2004
Wausau, WI, USA.
Wow, am I ever sorry I brought up this subject. I feel like I have offended way too many people.

I am sorry if I have caused trouble.

Best wishes,


Passed Away Mar 3, 2016
In Memoriam
Aug 22, 2004
Let me assure you, Tim, that I was not offended by your post in the least. I was glad to keep things in the open and to see how members felt.



Don't be sorry. Your concerns are valid. I believe that you made the group stronger because we have found out that we can have good debate on an important subject without it degrading to a "flame war". This is one of two forums that I frequent because there is good information available without having to sift through all the flamers and morons. I am not upset in the very least, I just want people to see both sides of the coin.


Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Chuck - Looks like he has edited his poll in this thread. I don't see other edits, but some things seem to be missing. Either he deleted them or a moderator did. I doubt the latter because I've asked the mods not to delete, but rather to move topics to a limited access forum where we can evaluate and discuss them.
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