New boy.

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John G

Aug 6, 2012
Glasgow, Scotland
Hello there. I came across this forum while I was looking for information about building a cyclone or drop-box.

I live in Glasgow, Scotland and I am a retired Technical Teacher. I did very little woodturning when I was teaching, although I taught the rudiments of bowl and spindle turning. It is only since I retired and bought a small Fox lathe (similar to your Jet) that I have become more interested in turning. Turning pens seem a good way to become more proficient with the art/skill and I'm looking forward to trying the techniques out. I'll try and keep you posted with my success and, predicted failures, (hopefully not too many).

Unfortunately space is at a premium in my garage at this time. I have to move three motorcycles to get at my woodworking machinery. I hope to sell one of the bikes soon, but I have to fix it up first, but as procrastination is one of my skills, it may take me a little time.

As I've said, I have only discovered the forum but I've dipped into several topics and you seem to be a sincere, freindly and helpful group of people and I hope I can soon contribute as well as learn.

John G
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Jun 21, 2012
Portsmouth, UK
Welcome to the forum.

I too am a keen motorcyclist and pen turner (very odd combination).

I have 2 bikes at the moment. A 1980 CX500A and a 2001 ZRX 1200.

I use a record lathe and have love both hobbies equally.
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