Need advice on putting a label on a wood pen

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Aug 16, 2021
McCool, MS
I am trying to put a paper label on a wood pen and apply a finish over it and I'm not sure just how to go about accomplishing the task, can anyone guide me in the direction I need to go?
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Feb 22, 2005
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Dec 4, 2012
Mebane, North Carolina
I have done this And tried a few different methods. The best method I found is to turn the blank undersized or glue the picture directly to the tube then cast clear over it and turn it down to size. It's difficult to build a finish over the decal to where you can't feel the decal.


Feb 2, 2006
Harrisburg, PA 17112
Hi Theo; I'm a bit confused. There are two different common techniques used to do logos and such on pens.

Water slide decals can be applied over wood. This is pretty common. Seal the decal both above and below with CA aka superglue.

Self stick paper labels can be glued to the brass tube and then the tube embedded under clear acrylic resin.

Hope this helps......


Member Liaison
Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
"Applying a finish over it": Medium to thick CA is better used in this case. Do Not use paper towels to apply when making thick layers. Instead, use an applicator such as thin flat foam applicator or something like that. I take margarine tub lids and cut rectangles about 2" by 1". These will be flexible and the CA is added onto one end and applied in a manner similar to adding putty to wood with a putty knife, but with a very light touch. This puts it on smooth and builds up layers fairly quick. Run your lathe slow. Not sure how low yours will go, but no higher than 700-750 RPM.

McCool is having some moderately cold weather. CA doesn't cure fast below 70°, but it can. Make sure your blanks are very dry; apply the CA in a warmed environment and have your CA warmed as well. Cool weather between 60° and 70° can draw moisture in as it cures and cause a whitish fog/cloudiness on it. Below 60° increases the chances. I use a hair dryer when I do this but don't get it too close or it can cause it to bubble. All of these factors have to come together as one and that comes with experience. The thicker the CA coating takes 10 to 30 minutes or more for curing and can take a few hours, depending on the temperature. If you have a heated shop or room, that helps. Let the room heat up to about 70° for a good hour before doing this so that the blank and CA bottle are at the same temp. (Different temps cause heat interaction that draws in moisture from the ambient humidity and can easily cause cloudiness.

How is the McCool high school sports doing this Year? (I'm aging myself but if I remember correctly - McCool has had quite a few state championships. I could be wrong.)


Aug 16, 2021
McCool, MS
I appreciate everyone's help and the links given.
I should've mentioned that it is a label from a mini Jack Daniels bottle that I am trying to put on a JD stave blank and it'll be on a Jr pen foundation. I want to give it as a gift to a friend who's a huge fan of Jack ;) and his BD is in a couple of weeks...a BD and early Xmas present.
Leehlip...I'm a recent transplant from Southern Cali and only been in the area for a few months and really haven't had the time to keep up with McCool's school sports thou my son says that they have done well in the past. Have family here who talked me into retiring closer to them, and here I am. I actually live closer to Ethel but the mail comes out of McCool.
I've made a couple thousand pens from wood over the years and successfully avoided the acrylics until recently when I did a hybrid and loved it. I'm an old dog learning new tricks by exploring and doing things I've not even thought of doing. So the JD label is something new and I feel I've jumped in neck deep and hoping that I didn't go in over my head. It's great that I found this forum filled with even greater people willing to help which gives me the confidence that I can trod on knowing I have better experienced people available and willing to assist my endeavors. Thanks again'll be hearing from me again that I am sure.


Member Liaison
Feb 6, 2005
Tunica, Mississippi,
CA Finish . . . a word of caution about CA (super glue) . CA works great, but for some and especially for those with health problems or well up in age, CA eventually can cause allergies that mimic a severe flu. It can come on suddenly. I made pens for about two years when it hit me suddenly like a ton of bricks. I now wear a respirator, use a dust collector and have a fan blowing across the lathe.

Some have forgone the use of CA altogether, but most who become allergic to the smell, fumes or dust made adjustments like I did. I just wanted to give you a warning in case it does happen.


Aug 16, 2021
McCool, MS
Thanks for the warning. So far CA hasn't effected me in a negative way, but I do take precautions as having good ventilation while turning and using finishes and sprays of any type. I'll try your suggestion on the finish procedure for the label as soon as the pen kit arrives. With the holiday I'd be lucky if it came this week. I'll let you know how things worked out.
BTW...McCool high school students attend Ethel school. I go past the school going to the PO and there are several signs about championships.
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