My latest pen

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Oct 13, 2005
My latest pen Amboyna Burl CA finish with brass accents.


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Well, I think it looks nice, but the pen itself is overwhelmed by the rest of the photo. If you can crop it really tight, the pen would be bigger and easier to see.
Very nice. Any advice on using the brass I bought a sheet of thin stock a couple days ago and am planning on playing with it soon
Mike the only advice that I would give is make sure you clamp it tightly to eliminate any gaps. I cut my brass just a little bigger than the blank glue with 5 minute epoxy and then clamp it with a drill press vise so I can apply a lot of pressure. The only other thing is that I use 0.016 stock I tried the .020 and the tools seemed to struggle cutting it and I kept blowing the blanks. The reason the top did not have accents was the blank blew out in between the brass rings while turning and this was the wood left over when cutting the blank to length. I use the accents in the design to distract your eye so that you dont notice the grain alignment as much.
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