My First Pens Ever!

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Nov 1, 2011
MoCo, MD
Hey Guys, joined up here a little while back and have been getting advice here and there and I finally got to turn my first pens tonight. Scored a sweet deal on some cheap corian blanks so thats what there made out of. All comments welcome, good and bad. Thanks


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Thanks all for the kind words. Fortunately I have a very good teacher. I have been hanging with my buddy in his garage for months now watching and assisting with pretty much everything else so I believe that plus his patience and showing me what to do really helped.
love that green color. i might have dressed it up in chorme but who knows.
i like turning corian. that patterns are endless, turns great and will polish to high gloss. no seams when glued correctly either.

good job, do not look like first pens. at leastr not like mine did. keep up the good work.
The look great. I love the green and gold. No one ever seems willing to mate those two colors for some reason. Corian is a great material to work with, I just with it came in thicker slabs.
The look great. I love the green and gold. No one ever seems willing to mate those two colors for some reason. Corian is a great material to work with, I just with it came in thicker slabs.

Yea me too. I was considering trying to glue a few of them together to see if I could get one fat enough to make a cigar or rollerball. I will wait on that though, just going to keep turning these while I get used to the tools.
You done it now. You tasted the sweet apple dangled in front of you by the serpent.

You are officially addicted.

Nice pens by the way
The look great. I love the green and gold. No one ever seems willing to mate those two colors for some reason. Corian is a great material to work with, I just with it came in thicker slabs.

Yea me too. I was considering trying to glue a few of them together to see if I could get one fat enough to make a cigar or rollerball. I will wait on that though, just going to keep turning these while I get used to the tools.

You can give gluing 4 different pieces together a shot. You just gotta be DEAD ON when you drill it out, or else it WILL show on the finished barrel. Now that I have a lot of corian scraps lying around I probably need to give it a shot.
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